Chapter 0 - The victory of a hero,but at what cost?

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Issei:Hah.....Hah.....Hah.......I-I finally did it.......Hah....Hah




Issei:......What do you think the other's will think?

Ddraig:.....To tell you the Truth......they would be devastated.....

Issei:Hah,I know......but.....You and I know it was the only way.....

Both:The stress that the other soul fragments was put upon my/your body was too much for my/your mortal body that it's disintegrating me/you from the inside-out......

Issei:In other words.....

Ddraig:You are dying from the effects of using too much power from the soul fragments.......

Issei:Are you seriously about to cry?


Issei:Hahaha......I actually wanna cry as well.....but at least I get to die with my brother but all by blood before you move on to a different host.......

Ddraig:......I am not going to leave you.

Issei:Huh? Did I hear that right?

Ddraig:Yes you did......There is a reason why I am not leaving you......Despite our arguing sometimes,you made me feel as if I was someone else to you........I am a Heavenly Dragon,The Sekuryuutei and yet.....rather than seeing me as a saw me as a living being that was mean't to be taken care of.....for that I am grateful,I truly am.....


Ddraig:For the many centuries I have saw me as someone,unlike the past hosts of the boosted gear.....who only saw me as a tool.....Yes I may have liked destruction but being trapped inside the boosted gear only increased my Thrist for battle.......that is when I met you......

Issei:....You know.....

*Issei looks at the multiple silhouette's appearing*

Issei:I once saw you as a tool.....but then it hit are a living being as well despite being trapped in the boosted gear......I treated you like a person,like a Dragon.....Like a brother.

Ddraig:Thank you Issei,my Brother but all by blood.......



Issei:I Guess my times up huh? Hehehe ungh!

Rias:Issei! What's wrong?!

Azazel:DAMN IT!

Sirzechs:What's wrong Azazel?!

Azazel:The after-effects of using multiple soul fragments has started to take it's toll on his body.....

Akeno:What does that mean?!

Ajuka:......It means he is Dying at a fast rate.......not even the Holy Grail can bring him back or Heal him......

Michael:This can't be it!

Gabriel:There has to be a way to save Issei!

Sirzechs:Azazel,Ajuka is there any other way to save Issei?

Azazel:No,there is no other way......


Ajuka:By using the power boost of the soul fragments it affected his body in a way.....

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