Chapter 2 - Time to go on Ice....

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A/N:I have no Ideas for the Title

A/N:Remember Isabella is 7 years old and Shido in this story is 4 years old now cause I made it that Isabella will be born 3 years earlier than Shido and in the orginal timeline Shido should be 16 years old and that would make Isabella 19 years old,so I hope you guys understand,onto the story!


9:55 AM

*We see Isabella being watched by Elliot and Karen as she trains*

Isabella:Hah,hah,hah.......I need to train harder!

Elliot:........I think you need to rest for the time too much is not healthy.......

Karen:Elliot is right.....You need to rest.....

Isabella:........Just because I decided to join Ratatoskr doesn't mean I trust all of you completely......

Karen:May I ask...When will trust us?

Isabella:........If you do me a favor.......then I will trust you......

Elliot:....And what would that be?

*Elliot and Karen are nervous for what favor Isabella will ask*

Isabella:.....I want to be put under Cryo-stasis

Elliot and Karen:!?

Elliot:What you are asking is impossi-

Isabella:It is's 2036 how is it not possible!

Karen:You don't want to do this!

Isabella:Then I see no reason to trust any you.......if that is all then I will resume my training......



Elliot:.....Can I ask you something then,What do you think,going into Cryo-stasis will do to your body?

Isabella:I may be a child but I know my answer to that......

Karen:Then can you please explain it to us?

Isabella:By going into Cryo-stasis......let's say I can medidate without my brain shutting down......I can also physically change by training in my mindscape......

Elliot:Are you sure your body will undergo changes while you are in Cryo-stasis,yes we can make it that your brain won't be affected......But,your physical body changing? I don't think it's even possible for humans to undergo changss while on Ice....

Isabella:Who said anything about a "Human" undergoing physical changes while on Ice?

Elliot:I-.....You make a point there

Isabella:And that goes to show that how a 7 year old child,was able to make an adult, admit I was correct!

Karen:Elliot,It could be possible for Isabella to undergo changes while undergoing Cryo-stasis......

Isabella:See! Even Karen-san agrees!

Elliot:Very well,When do you want to undergo Cryo-stasis?

Isabella:One question!

Elliot:Already answered,Yes,we have a Cryo-stasis machine ready.

Isabella:Nice! Then I want it ready by Midnight!

Karen:And when do you want to be waken up?

Isabella:Hhhmmm.....Wake me up when you want introduce someone to me....

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