Chapter 3 - The Fresh air of the Earth,I have been awakened!

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A/N:Canon timeline begins after this chapter,that is all,ENJOY!


3:17 AM

Worker 1:All signs are normal,but we will do a double check on Ms.Isabella's Vital signs.

Elliot:I understand.

Worker 1:Heart rate-normal

Worker 2:Brain waves-normal

Worker 3:Blood pressure-different from humans,but it is high due to the cold,she will be fine the moment she feels Heat.

Worker 1:Alright,she is in good condition sir,but being in Cryo-stasis for 12 years means she would need to re-learn on how to walk and speak,same goes for her lifestyle and she will need to be taken care of or monitored,24/7 for the First week.

Elliot:Thank you...

Karen:We get to see our Adoptive Daughter again....

*Karen sheds a tear*

Elliot:Yes,we do get to see her again,we also met a spirit just like her......

Karen:Our Daughter is not alone in this world......She never was....

Elliot:But we need to take care and teach her before we let them meet each other.......

Karen:I just hope they start off in good terms.....

Elliot:I hope so as well.....It's just that......

Karen:Kotori,should not annoy her.......

Elliot:Ahhhhh,that is the problem.....But who knows,her personality might have not changed? But she must have matured of course!

Karen:......I hope so.

Elliot:Alright,wake our Daughter up!

Worker:Understood Sir!

*Capsule opening sfx*
*Cold air also comes out of the capsule as we see a person inside,a grown up one*

Worker:As Ms.Isabella said,She did undergo physical changes while on Ice.

Elliot:I can't believe it!

Karen:She was right......with her Spirit Biology,Her being in a frozen state did not hinder her Growth process!


*Isabella opens her eyes for the first time in 12 years but quickly falls asleep due to her body being in Cryo-stasis for 12 years*

Worker:That was unexpected,Ms.Isabella managed to wake up only after a few minutes outside the Capsule.....A truly incredible feat,if I say so myself.

Elliot:Bring Isabella to the Medical bay for treatment,she needs a proper bed and Contact our best doctors to monitor her,understand!

Workers:Understood Sir!

Karen:I will go with them so I can watch over Isabella....

Elliot:Okay,I will be with you shortly.

Karen:Alright....let's go!


*12 Hours have passed,and we hear Beeping from the monitors in the room*

Elliot:It's 3:47 PM already Karen,go rest I will watch over her.

Karen:I want to see her awake first at least.

Elliot:But you need to re-

Isabella:ngh......ugh......Five more minutes Ddraig......

Elliot and Karen:..........


Elliot:Already calling the worker who said the things earlier and the doctors.

*After a bit of talking with the employees and monitoring,Isabella wakes up*

Isabella:*Yawn*........Hm? Where am I?

Elliot:Ah,your finally awake do you feel?

Isabella:.....O-Otou-san...........I feel fine,but a bit numb on some parts!

Elliot:Hahahah,we have a lot of catching up to do,as well as learning how to walk again....

Isabella:So it was a lie!

Karen:What is a lie Isabella?

Isabella:Oh,Hi Mom!

*Karen blushes from being called mom*

Karen:H-hello,Honey.....anyways who is this Ddraig you are talking about?

Isabella:I would explain but you would think I'm a crazy person/spirit/dragon....

Elliot:Wait? Dragon?

Isabella:I need more time before I can get Ddraig here,he will do all the talking!

*Ddraig starts rehearsing his lines*

Karen:And how long will that be before we talk to this "Ddraig" you speak of?

Isabella:Depends on how fast I recover.

Elliot:Well,while we wait.....why don't we catch up with each other.

Karen:After all it's been 12 years.

Isabella:I would love that!


A/N:Next Chapter we will start the canon timeline like the one from the original anime then I will have Isabella into the later chapters for we need screen time for the other characters to shine,see you guys next chapter!

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