Chapter 7 - A date with Tohka

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I know, I know, I'm late! School man, gotta hate and love it at the same time.

:Draconic or Rage (I guess it is both)
(Certain actions or signs)
Plain text or Narration (Whatever you guys wanna call it)

Now with that out of the way, let's continue where we left off!

Location:Raizen Highschool, Damaged
Time: 8:30 AM

Shido:It's obvious if you think about it.

(Temporary school closure)

Shido:This doesn't seem real at all. Nothing from yesterday,either. It wasn't a dream.

Shido picks up a piece of the chalkboard that reads "Tohka".


Shido:That's right. Without a doubt,I talked to Tohka yesterday.

???:Hey, Shido!


???:Don't ignore me!


Tohka:Took you long enough. You big dummy!

Shido:Why are you here?! We haven't had a spacequake alert!

Tohka:What do you mean,"Why"? You invited me out,out on a "date".


Tohka:Now,Shido! Let's go on this "date"! "Date, Date, Date, Date, Date"!

Shido:Alright! I get it!..Anyway, you can't wear that. You need to take it off.

Tohka:Shido,are you telling me to get undressed here?

Shido's face goes red and starts freaking out-ish.

Shido:No, no!

Shido thinks, then a comical lightbulb appears.

Shido:Why don't you try...

Shido pulls out a picture of Origami in her school clothes.

Tohka:This clothes would be acceptable? But why do you have-

Shido:Don't ask me why. Just change.


Tohka rips the picture to shreds and changes her outfit, magically of course.

Tohka:Is this alright?


Tohka has now switched to her "Raizen high uniform"

Tohka:Let's go on that "date"!

Shido:Hey, hold up Tohka!

Tohka: You're so slow, Shido! We're going on a "Date"!

Shido:I get it, so stop shouting that!


Location:Itsuka Household
Time:9:30 AM

A room with visible lighting,and the sound of heavy breathing can be heard.

Isabella:Hah~ hah~ hah~

Isabella lies on her bed with no clothing, only underwear, and is sweating profusely. Her face is all red, her breath is visible, her hair is also messy and some strands are sticking to some parts of her body. Isabella also twitches slighty.

Isabella:Hah~ hah~.What is wrong with me?....Why can't I stop thinking about,Shido?...... This feeling..... Could I be- no, no, no, that's preposterous.... I hope I get better soon.....

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