Chapter 6 - The Princess

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Just keep playing the OST,if you cry you is a man! I?

*Isabella looks around*

Isabella:Hello......anyone there?



Isabella:What is going on?

*A house appears with the lights open and the door open as well,as if it is telling Isabella to go inside*

Isabella:I know this street!......Maybe I was dreaming all along.....maybe Okaa-san and Otou-san are safe after all......

*Isabella walks inside her old home and is met by two people*

Isabella:.......I'm home.....

*Isabella then sheds a tear on what she is seeing*

Isabella:Otou-san.......Okaa-san.....You're both safe!

*Isabella rushes to her parents and hugs them*

Aimi:Why are you crying honey,did something happen?

Kaito:Are you alright Isabella? You don't just cry for no reason at all.....Unless it's those boys at school,did they hurt you?!

Isabella:No,it's nothing,I'm just glad you're both fine.

Aimi:Why wouldn't we be fine?

Isabella:It's nothing *sniff* *sniff* is that food?

Kaito:Well,of course your mother and I already finished cooking dinner,so come on and eat.

Isabella:Can I hug you guys one more time?

Aimi:Sure honey but why?

Isabella:No reason,it's just I love you both so much.

Aimi:Aw...How nice of you.

*The three then hug each other as Isabella feels safe and warm in their hug,but Both the parents say*



Kaito:It's time for you to wake up.


Aimi:Isabella,please wake up and live for us.

*Isabella's eyes then widen*,no,no,please don't leave me again!

Kaito:Isabella,please......Fight for us,don't give up...

Isabella: Please don't say that you'll be alright.

Aimi:Isabella you have to let us go one day.....

Kaito:But always remember us in your heart....

Isabella:No,I can't let both of you go again!

*Isabella hugs tighter and cries,but both parents turn into sparks,as the scene changes to what happened 12 years the 7 year old Isabella*


*Isabella falls on her knees and screams in anger and sadness*


HDxD (Reborn Female Issei) X DALWhere stories live. Discover now