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PoV: Shadow

"We just need to find the prison bay. Eggman usually keeps it close to his-"


"The alarm?" Rouge smiled, "Sonic escaped. We gotta catch up to me."

"We'll split up, you follow the tracker to Sonic. I'll set the chargers and catch up. Send me your location when you find him," I handed the tracker back to Rouge and kicked open the vent.

"Just don't leave without us," Rouge replied before flying off.

"G.U.N would never allow it," I jump down and set up a bomb before taking off to set up the rest.

Still. The mission going completely against plan, might just get Sonic moved off my team.

PoV: Rouge

According to the tracker Sonic should be behind this door.

"Time to kick it down!" CRASH! I kicked the door down right into an explosion...

I flew up toward the ceiling to clear out of the smoke. Coughing cleared my lungs.

"OHOHOHOHOH! What's the matter Sonic? Aren't you going to fight back? No witty banter today?" Eggman was in a huge mech and Sonic was up against a corner.

"Not really interested in fighting today Eggman," Sonic dodged the next attack but was grabbed by the mech as he jumped, "Ngh!"

"I'll have a stronger cell prepared for you," Eggman grinned.

"Sorry Honey," I flew down and kick the hand holding Sonic, freeing him. I caught him in my arms as he fell, "But locking up our hero just isn't in my schedule today."

"Rouge, thanks for the save. Hey, can you pop a shoulder back into is socket?" He was holding onto his left arm. He got hurt while escaping. I don't wanna deal with Towers nagging.

"We'll get you a hospital as soon as we're done here," I flew back up as Eggman attacked again.

"I don't need a hospital, I just need my arm moving. Can you pop it back in or not? I can't attack him like this," he looked down at the Mech with a scowl.

"I wouldn't know how. I sent Shadow an sos. He'll deal with the mech. I need to get us out of here," I threw and bomb down at the control panel and the door shot wide open. Shadow was on the otherside already.

"You had to cause trouble," Shadow growled as I landed besides him, setting Sonic down.

"It wasn't exactly my choice," Sonic was weak as he was standing.

"Shadow! Nice to see an old friend. Say, why don't we-"

"Chaos Spear," Shadow threw a spear at the Mech before grabbing us both, "Chaos Control."

"That probrably pissed him off," I hit the detonator button and the entire Lair went up in explosions. I watched as Sonic started walking away, "Sonic, come on. Well get you to the hospital."

"I don't need one," He was heading into the woods, "I'll fix it myself."

"Hedgehog," Shadow grabbed him, "Let me see that. Rouge get him something to bite. Regardless this injury will keep us out of missions for a few weeks."

"No, it'll only be a few days..." Sonic pulled off a peice of his armor and bitdown, "Ready."

Shadow ignored his wincing as he push his shoulder back into its proper place. I used the black ribbon from my stealth wear to make Sonic a sling.

"There. Well, the mission was a disaster. Think that'll do it for G.U.N?" I helped Sonic walk back to the hotel. I can't wait to enjoy a long bath in that tub.

"Unfortunately it was still successful. We did destroy the base," Shadow opened the door to our hotel room and Sonic sat on the couch he was napping on.

"Great..." Sonic sighed, "I'm gonna get ready for bed."

"I'm going to take a long bath~" I stretched, "We still have two extra days. I wonder if we'll be allowed to explore the town."

"I'd rather not," Sonic walked into the bathroom as I was getting my things ready, "Shadow! He stole my bathroom!"

"Deal with it. You already had a bath. I'm after him, you always take hours," Shadow wasn't any help at all.

"Actually..." Sonic cracked the door open, "I need help undoing the back of my armor. I can't do it one handed..."

"You stole my bathtime. I'm not helping."

"You're a child," Shadow pushed me aside and undid the armor for Sonic. He even pulled down the zipper exposing Sonic's back, "Is that all you need?"

"Yeah, thanks," Sonic shut the door again and the shower was turned on.

"What's with you being Mr. Helpful all of a sudden. You still won't help me unzip. I have to use a hanger," I asked.

"He's injured. And after today I'm pretty sure his place on the team isn't budging. You know what getting that signal earlier ment. This won't mean a thing to tower. If anything, we may have just made things worse for him," Shadow started making himself a cup of coffee.

Sonic's been put into a terrible position. What is you even want from him Tower?

PoV: Tower

"Tower, our reports say the mission has been completed. Unfortunately it was no followed to plan at all. Sonic was drugged and kidnapped on the first night-"

"I'm aware, Agent. But Shadow is showing signs of warming up to him. That's still a successful mission. Despite Sonic's injury during escape. The little hero is resourceful. He seems to have no problem sacrificing his body for the greater good, which bodes well for me. Allow then to have the weekend off together. When Sonic's arm finished healing we can run the tests we've been preparing," I ordered.

"Yes sir!" They left the room as I have them out.

"Agent Kay. How are the experimental syrums for Sonic?" I called in the lab department.

"Syrum F is fully functionally and lasts for one full cycle before another injection is needed. It's successfully brought up fertility rates by 150% in our test subjects. The lab hedgehogs have been successfully had litters of six to seven hoglets. Although I doubt it would be as effective on any mobian. Our estimates say it would bring up fertility for about 90% or so. Bringing most mobians to have twins or triplets. It would a miracle to introduce this to the medical community. Women trying would have more options-"

"That can be discussed later. What about the other? Syrum O?" I replied.

"It's effective, but only lasts up to 72 hours. You can give a subject two doses before it becomes too dangerous," She answered.

"Excellent. Have everything prepared, you'll be getting your first live test subject soon."

"Yes Comander Tower!" She left and I took a seat at my desk.

Everything is going smoothly. Shadow, you'll be more that a tool to me soon. I might even let you keep Sonic if you become fond of him.

Regardless. You both belong to me now.



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