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PoV: Sonic

  I guess I'm not dead. I opened my eyes and looked around. The G.U.N symbol was on everything in this room. Still... where had Tower moved me to?

"I could have sworn... I heard them in my dreams. Tsk..." My head was aching, "What the?" I saw my reflection in the glass of the cabinets. My head was wrapped in bandages, "What the hell happened?!"

"Sonic, I'm glad to see you awake and unharmed," Tower came in, and was smiling. Creepy.

"You call this unharmed?" What the hell did you do to me?" I growled.

"I rescued you from your kidnappers Ex agents Shadow and Rouge along with those freedom fighters who broken in last night and kidnapped you as you slept. They acted recklessly and activated the chip in your cortex unknowingly. They put up a fight but no worries. The judge was agreed just this morning that I now have 100% custody of you. You belong completely to me, not only as an employee but as your new legal guardian. After all, a 15 year old shouldn't be without a caretaker," Tower displayed a copy of the official court orders... and the entire case word by word...

"You're lying... Our contract said they wouldn't know about this. They aren't supposed to know," They were trying to rescue me? Shadow, you didn't... Why would you put them at risk like that?

"Unfortunately Shadow acted on his own. I knew he'd be difficult to the adjustment, but I expected more professionalism from him. He's been stripped of his agent rank and will be disciplined accordingly by going through training again," He left the copy at the bedside table, "Feel free to read over all the evidence as much as you like. As for you, Sonic. I've decided you will no longer be a standard agent, nor will you remain on Team Dark. Effective immediately, you will begin training as a specialist agent. I will train you into the perfect weapon myself."

  Even if I do escape... I'll just be forced back to him now. It all went cold so suddenly... I couldn't imagine the sound of wind blowing against blades of grass anymore. Everyone's faces... I'm never seeing them again...

"Don't be concerned with them. You have until your body is fully recovered before training begins. That chip has been replaced successfully, but you still remain the only once to have recieved it. I'll let the law handle your old teammate for me," Tower left, his lips warped into a grin.

  It's all true... Idiot... I should have never told Shadow anything. Why did I think he could help? It would have been better if I let him continue to hate me.

PoV: Shadow

"You're all children..." the judge sighed as he listened to our case, "However everyone is aware of the great powers possessed by all of you. I understand you were trying to help a friend, but kidnapping is a serious offense.  You each owe a fine of 7,000 rings. Know that my leniency is only because you defend us from Eggman. Shadow The Hedgehog and Rouge The Bat, how ever, you will be ordered to recieve the appropriate punishment from G.U.N whether it's corrective disciple or termination. Case dismissed!"

  Clack! Clack! He rang the gavel and that was the end of it. Sonic was trapped with Tower unless we could get the judge to redo the case, but we didn't have the evidence to fight Tower again...

"What did we do? Why... why couldn't Sonic just stay with us?" Tails had started to tear up and Amy pulled him into a hug after we returned to his workshop.

"It's not your fault Tails, we were reckless and didn't think things through. But, Shadow. Why was Sonic bleeding? What are you hiding?" Amy growled, "This was your idea, don't tell me you didn't know everything."

"We didn't okay?" Rouge spoke up, "look... Tower ordered us to kidnap Sonic in the 1st place, but we didn't know why. Suddenly Sonic was on team dark and we had to work with him. He was completely depressed about it. Tower is forcing him to work for G.U.N and that's what we know. But there's a weird lock on Sonic's file. I can't hack into it."

"There's something else. Sonic wasn't waking up when we rescued him. He was asleep when we grabbed him too. Shadow, explain," Knuckles approached me, I wasn't in the mood for a fight.

"There's a tracking device attached to Sonic's cerebral cortex designed to kill him when ever Tower pleases. I thought if we got to the hospital they might be able to remove it safely. It must have activated when we triggered the alarm-"

"YOU'RE TELLING US THIS NOW!" All of them snapped at me at once.

"You went for a rescue plan and skipped over an important piece of information! I would have never agreed to saving Sonic if I knew it would just kill him! He was crying tears of blood... what if we hadn't gotten him inside yet?"

"Shadow, it might be best for you too leave for a while," Amy stood between Knuckles and myself, "I get that it's hard for you to trust people, but Sonic was our friend. We need to know all we can to help him. We can come up with another plan I the future. Right now we all need time to cope."

"Understood," I knew my place wasn't with them.

  Rouge stayed behind and I left. I returned home, not surprised to see agents waiting for me.

"What do you want?" I growled, wanting to ignore them.

"We've been ordered to help you move out. You're going into special disciplinary training at the Dessert Dazel training grounds. Dispite the name, I suggest you bring a jacket. It gets cold at night.

"I have no interest in training. I'd rather recieve termination-"

"Not possible. Please begin packing or we will take you by force," There were agents all around my house, ready to fire at me, "If you struggle you will be imprisoned for your punishment instead."

"Fine, but Tower is a dead man."

  I grabbed my things and looked out at sunset. I fucked it all up...

  I made so manything things worse, what have I done?



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