21 Questions

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After we got on a couple rides and walked around for a while, i started to think she has began to loosen up to me. We stopped to get a bite to eat and sat at bench while we ate.

"Lets play 21 questions?"  I  asked her .

"Sure'" She said with a beautiful smile.

"So, I smiled back at her, what's your favorite color?

"Purple." She respond while laughing .

"What's funny that was such a basic question?"

"I just expected something else like-"

"Like what, i cut her off, like what makes you happy, what/who makes you laugh so hard your stomach hurts, what do you look for in a guy, what is your favorite childhood memory.... is that what you excepted ?"

"Yea something like that" She said with a surprised expression.

I smirked at her and asked "well?....."

"Well what?" She questioned while taking a bite of her pizza.

I've never seen a girl with such appetite, usually the girls I take on dates never eat salad and rabid food, never pizza let alone 3 pieces... but I think i kind of like it.

 Yea right... kind of?  my conscious said.

"Are you going to answer the questions?" I asked her .

"Ok she started , my friends or people who love me in general make me happy. Usually Shaun make me laugh that hard but recently, you have after the whole little girl incident" She said referring to when I had won a teddy bear and tried to give it to a little girl and she yelled stranger danger and punched me in my goodies .

"Oh" I said trying to cover up my wince and she laughed .

"Oh, next question!" She said, I don't really look for a specific thing in a guy as long as they make me happy and respects me-"

Do I make you happy and do you feel as though I respect you?

"So far yes." She answered and made me smile.

"One more interuption, how old are you?"

21 but aren't we suppose to be playing 21 questions why are you just asking questions.

"Ill let you go once you answer the last question."

"Ok deal." She replied and continued whenever I go to my grandparents house my g-ma would bake the best cookies- I know its cliché but – she did and when she did, she put egg nog in them with a dash of cinnamon. Those things always reminded me off my mom,she died when I was 6, and when my g-ma baked it was like a fantasy I had my grandparents and what felt like a piece of my mom there so I love it, and that is my favorite childhood memory" she said coming out of Mila Land.

"Wow." Was all I could say, not because of anything she just said even though I did you listen but because she looked as though she was in pure bliss as she spoke, it was beautiful I want to make her look like that every day of my life, wait! what am I saying...who cares, then and there are made it my mission to make her look like that everyday.

" I'm so sorry was that too much we should go I knew this was too good to be true-"

"No,no" I interrupted her "That was beautiful, but it is getting late we can go if you want?"

"Yeah I'd like that." She replied.

" Let's go then!" I say getting putting my arm around her neck.

"You're such a teenager!" she said while laughing and trying to shrug my arm off but she did not succeed.

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