Poker, Blackjack, and- Strip Poker?

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Third Person's POV

"This is driving me insane." Piper said.

"I'm going mad." Thomas said. "Absolutely mad."

"Has anyone tried cheese yet?" Connor said.

"Cheese?!" Clarisse asked.

"We've got the letters. C. H. E. E. S. E." Travis said.

"Why would there be 'Cheese' in a warning?" Silena said.

"Uh. Do not choke on cheese?" Leo said.

"Yeah." Chris scoffed. "That's likely."

"What did Rachel say?" Reyna asked.

"Rachel?" Jason perked up.

"We were supposed to call Rachel!" Annabeth exclaimed.

"Nobody called Rachel!" Percy exclaimed.

"Well why not?!" Piper asked.

"Because no one remembered!" Luke shouted.

"Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up." Thalia said. "We." She pointed around. "We are going insane. Nothing is getting through my my brain."

"Maybe it's you." Sophie said mockingly.

"Maybe if I fry you up." Thalia snapped back.

"You know what?" Sophie said. "I'm going to bed."

"Darling. It's one." Thomas said. "PM."

"Do I look like I care?!" Sophie said before she walked out.

It's been approximately two weeks since any of them got an real good night sleep.

On one hand, if they worked. They can't sleep. On the other hand, if they slept.

Two words basically. Athena and nightmares.

Athena really, really, really does not like not knowing things. And the demigods really, really, really does not like a crazy Athena.

"How are my-" Poseidon said as he appeared in the room.

Or what can be seen of the room.

Piles of books are scattered on top of the table and everywhere on the floor. Scrolls. Ancient and important scrolls. Thrown over the couch, and there's one on top of the book case, and other under the coffee table. Pretty sure there's one of top of the dispenser and one inside the fridge.

The Sibylline book is in the freezer!

"You guys look-" Poseidon said. "Absolutely terrible."

"Thanks." Annabeth mumbled.

"What happened? You guys look like you just went through war." Poseidon winced. "Again..."

"Athena happened." Percy mumbled. "So. Sleepy. Can't. Think. SOMEBODY CALL GROVER."

"Alright." Poseidon said. "Off to bed. All of you."

"It's one." Thomas said.

"Yeah." Poseidon said. "AM."

"What?" Silena said.

Thomas looked at his watch and blinked.

"It's broken." Thomas mumbled before tossing his watch aside, and collapsing to the floor.

"Okay. Bed. All of you." Poseidon said. "You're going to school tomorrow. No homework, no test, no fighting, training, or research. Just school."

"But-" Beckendorf said.

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