Parent Teacher Conference

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Third Person's POV



Alright. Hang on. Back up a bit. Just a bit, to about 10 minutes ago, when Chiron had called in a bunch of demigods, 22 exactly. 22 demigods, to come to the Big House.

They were having a great day. A really great day. Percy and Annabeth had just finished moving to their newly bought apartment in New Rome, because they were starting College next week. Jason and Piper had just bought their own apartment, right across from Percy and Annabeth's.

Leo and Calypso had just finished building their workshop. Nico and Alex were making plans to rent an apartment and going to the same school next school year. Don't know how they would survive considering home many monsters the son of Hades and the daughter of Neptune would attract.

Hazel and Frank, together as Praetors at Camp Jupiter. The Stolls decided to skip all kinds of school, and head straight to working at Camp Half-blood. Bianca wanted to spend time as a normal year round camper, but truth be told, she'd been spending too much time Connor, and she's now Katie's best friend.

Clarisse and Chris, along with Silena and Beckendorf are now the senior campers at Camp Half-Blood, the leaders of camp if you want, only second to any of the seven. But seeing that the seven are at Camp Jupiter, they got the spot.

Sophie and Thomas are the new instructors. The new welcoming committee, replacing Annabeth and Percy whenever they're not here.

Luke and Thalia are getting a house. Together. Yeah. That happened. A house in a nice neighborhood in California. They're starting to beat Percy and Annabeth at the relationship game.

Rachel was the only one that had left. She's gone to Clarions again this year, just like her father asked her too.

Can you believe it's only been 2 weeks are the war with Nyx? 2 weeks and everything went by, oh so smoothly. That is until, they all got called to the Big House ten minutes ago.

The 22 of them were planning on a tournament day for themselves. A sword fight tournament, which they could already predict who'll win. An archery competition, which Percy was excluded from, by his and everyone's choice. A race up to the Lava Wall, timed. And also they're very own advanced game of 'tag' in the woods. It was all planned! But they had to go to the Big House, because Chiron had called them in.

Mysteriously. All 22 of them.

"Children." Chiron said. "Please take a seat." He gestured to the chairs on the one end of the room.

They all quietly sat down. A few yawned, a few crossed their arms, a few tapped their legs. Chiron slightly flinched at his students' unamused face. They're bored, mad almost, as if they knew what was gonna happen.

On the other side of the room, was a wall sized Iris message. The Iris message was showing the Olympus throne room, with all the thirteen, including Hades, Olympians, sitting on their rightful throne.

"So..." Percy cleared his throat to ease the tension. "Is this a Parent Teacher conference?"

"Where on Earth did you get that idea?" Poseidon asked as he eyed his son.

"Well." He said. "Parents." Percy gestures at the Iris message. "Teacher." He added as he pointed at Chiron. "Conference." He finished as he waved around the room.

"And how would you know what a parent teacher conference looks like?" Athena retorted. "You've never been through one."

"Mother-" Annabeth groaned.

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