Lucky Strike

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Third Person's POV

"She's hurt."

"Gee. I hadn't noticed." Nico said venomously.

"We have to get her back." Percy shook Nico into there and then.

"And you too." Nico said.

"You take Alex back, and I'll take care of this." Percy said.

"That's wasn't a question, Percy. I'm taking you too." Nico said sternly.

"Nico, we don't have time to argue. She's gonna die!" Percy said.

"You're gonna die!" Nico said.

Sharp things were flying their way.

Imagine this. You were strolling downtown, with your sister, trying to find a birthday present for her boyfriend, who once had a crush on you.

Suddenly a giant flying thing crashed in front of the both of you. From that giant flying thing, flew out three slightly smaller but still kind of large flying things.

Since both you and your sister currently does not have your cloaks that conceals your identity with you, there is hardly anything you can do about it, except maybe, call for help.

Well, you can't call your wife, she's currently a pregnant old lady. (Don't tell Annabeth.) So, the only other person you could call is your sister's boyfriend, who's now one of you best friend. (No, not awkward at all.)

You try to help people by pushing them out of the way. Percy hid behind a tree to hide from the mortals' view and threw his sword like a giant oversized dagger.

Say what you might about that man's archery skill, when it comes to throwing knives, or this case swords, his aim is not bad. Not bad at all.

The moment Riptide jabbed itself into one of the flying things and distracted it, Percy ran out from behind the tree to help Alex get everyone to safety.

Percy waited for his sword to reappear in his pocket, then ran behind a tree to throw it again. It does look as ridiculous as it sounds.

Long story short, Percy got hit by some flying thing, and Alex got hit by some flying thing. Thankfully, the AOC came just in the nick of time. But not before both Percy and Alex were injured.

Nico, the letter 'ι' gleamed white on his chest, appeared kneeling from the shadow under the tree, next to Percy and Annabeth.

"Are you okay?" Nico said hurriedly, pulling his hood back slightly.

"Aside from the fact that I don't have my suit-" Alex laughed. "I'm fine."

Nico looked relieved but Alex doubled over and coughed up blood. Percy crossed his eyebrows, and looked to Nico with concern.

"No she's not fine." Percy said before Alex could open her mouth. "Something sharp and thin went through her abdomen. Through and through. She's bleeding."

"I don't have any ambrosia on me." Nico said. "Thomas does. But he's-"

Percy turned to where a cloaked someone was pinned onto the ground, that large flying thing on top of it, growling and roaring on top of him. Percy could see a cloaked 'Σ' trying to get that flying thing away from 'Ρ'. Thomas and Sophie no doubt.

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