Idiocity At Its Finest

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The minutes turn into hours, the hours to days, and those days turn to weeks. Finn had adjusted completely fine to living back in a, shop. And he definitely felt a lot more safe. Safe from those asshole group of kids that tried to attack him.

But.. he had noticed something kind of, strange about Jason.
It had started about a week into living in the small room, and it would only be after Jason assumed Finn was fast asleep, and he would sneak down the stairs, then out of the front door of the shop.
Finn had only noticed this because the toymaker would curse under his breath, waking up the sleeping male...

In the dim lighting of the candles that glowed lightly throughout the next room, he heard a certain toymaker, cussing the stairs out quietly, as they creaked with each step he took.

"You stupid fucking steps stop being so annoying! You're going to wake him up!"

The other male groans again, but more silently, wondering just what could that man be doing in the middle of the night-?

Jason's boots tap lightly against the ground, so he wasn't on the stairs anymore...good, now Finn could see what he was doing. It could be a logical explanation, he could have forgotten something down here in the workshop and didn't want to wake the other male up, or well.. it could just be anything.
And Finn being as curious as he is, decided to peak out from behind the wall, watching ever so silently as the toymaker grabs a fur covered coat, and striped tophat from a coat rack.
'Is he leaving?' Finn wonders, looking at a clock hanging on the illuminated side of the workshop, it read

2:45 in the morning? What? 'Who goes out this late'
Finn watched the toymaker leave the workshop so he followed out, making sure to tip-toe lightly across the carpeted floor. He looks out between a Crack in the door that Jason had closed, and he sees him look back for only a moment, grab something off of the counter and walk out of the front door, locking it back just as tightly when he was here.

Finn can let a breath out and relax because he isn't hiding the fact that he's asleep anymore.

"What could he be doing? All of the stores in town are closed, so why would be leaving? Maybe I'm just too nosy and should go back to bed... but I want to know" Finn mumbles to himself, leaning up against the wall. He hated being nosy, but it was a habit, and those habits led him to do some very.. morally bad things. And tonight, he had the urge to go and look to see if Jason had left anything that could clue where he went off to.


Weeks later, Finn hadn't bothered to go up and look through Jason's things, but instead he fell asleep, then woke himself up at the same time every night, just as the toymaker was leaving, which was 2:45 am, every single night. Finally though, the black haired male thought he had the courage to go up, he and Jason's relationship had gotten a lot more trustworthy, at least for Jason he knew, but Finn felt as though he couldn't fully trust the toymaker until he knew exactly why he went out like this every night.

So, after the redhead had left, he waited another 20 minutes before doing anything that could cost him his place to sleep at night. When he was sure Jason wouldn't be coming back anytime soon, he slowly slunk out of his room and up those creaky stairs, all the way up to Jason's small apartment looking home. All of the lights were off, save for a pretty lamp that gave off a golden hue. It seemed very memorizing, but Finn needed answers, not to gawk at pretty decorations, his room was next to him right now, he wondered what it looked like, he was sure there had to be answers in there, it's not like he would keep personal documents, letters, or anything personal out where Finn could potentially see them.

Finn searched for a very long time, and he couldn't seem to find anything, he looked from top to bottom of every room, and there was absolutely no sign of where the toymaker would be.
Lost in thoughts, Finn didn't hear the door opening, and he sure as hell didn't hear, the tip taps of Jason's boots on the floor, and he definitely didn't hear the creaking of the old wooden steps, that is until a voice rips him harshly from those thoughts.

"What are you doing up here?"

His voice was soft, tired, but had a certain tone to it, that told Finn. If you lie to me, I'll slit your throat. Finn turned quickly, almost tumbling over his own feet.

"Uh- uhm.. I was looking for you, I couldn't find you-"


"I wanted to know.. if you had any medications for...for a- headache.."

"Oh! Yes of course, it's right in the kitchen, come with me"

Jason's soft hands grip Finns shoulder tightly, almost in a painful way, the male grimaces, his heart pounding, and his face tense with worry.
'Did he really believe that?'

From the looks of it, Jason did, or maybe he was pretending..

"Uhm- are you.. angry with me?"

"What? No why?"

"You're hurting my shoulder.. is all"

"Oh. Sorry, here are your choices. ibuprofen, Tylenol, or aspirin."

"Ibuprofen thank you"
Finn takes the pill bottle and snatches two out, if he were to be honest, he was getting a headache so the toymaker wasn't getting 100% lied to.

"You should get some rest, I have plans set for tomorrow regarding us" Jason pipes up, looking towards Finn.

"Yes of course, goodnight Jason thank you" he nods and is about to leave.

"You noticed I left didn't you?" The toymaker blurts suddenly, turning back, Finn widens his eyes.
"I mean after I came up here yes and then.. you came back"

"You've noticed it everytime I've left though, haven't you?"


"Don't play dumb, I've seen you watch me"

"Oh... yes.."

"Go to bed, we'll speak about it in the morning"

"Okay..." Finn hurries down the stairs, jumping into bed as quick as possible, throwing the covers on him and attempting to fall asleep before the redheaded man can talk to him again.
'I'm scared to know what we're going to talk about.. tomorrow'

He closes his eyes and tries to get some rest, nervous, uneasy, and feeling genuinely unwell about the interaction he and Jason just had.

Where's My Happily Ever After? Jason TTM x (Oc) ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now