Better Than Planned

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AN: I feel like like chapter is a bit confusing, or at least bipolar when it comes to thoughts and words, so bare with me:)

Waking up to a man you're terrified of is such an odd experience. Your world feels as if it's going to end right there.

When Finn woke up, all he saw was the firey red hair of the toymaker he wanted to see the least. For numerous reasons. He was the reason his legs were broken, he was the reason he was even here in the first place, and he sure as hell was the reason he had that shitty nightmare.

But, when Finn looked down at the sleeping Jason's face, his anger faded away. Why? Why did it do that?
His lips begin to form a frown, and his heart feels painful. Then a single emotion sweeps over his body, making him almost start sobbing...again.


Is that what it was? Finn knew the feeling all too well, he felt it when his sister shut him out, wanting nothing to do with him after he tried to reconnect.

Is that how Jason felt when he tried to run away?

Was it Finns fault Jason was upset?

All of these inconsistent, depressing thoughts rummage through his head, he goes to move his hand to his face, but Jason's intricate, thin fingers are locked tightly between Finns own.

His face goes pink, wondering why the toymaker would even come in here, if he hated Finn that much? And why.. would they be holding hands?

Finn narrowed his eyes at Jason, who was snoring very softly, his body moving up and down in rythimatic breaths.

"What are you doing.." He mutters ever so slightly. Relaxing down in a position to just stare at him.

Using his other hand he props it up around Jason
'Just to be more comfy' 

Though, his fingers slowly lower to the toymakers hair. He lightly strokes his head, wondering

'He was just upset, we all get upset sometimes... maybe I shouldn't hate him. But... he isn't human. He's different, I'm different too though.. so maybe that's why he was afraid, maybe he was afraid I'd leave if he showed his true self to me?'

Any normal person would not be thinking this, but Finn was. It was an odd case. He felt like he needed to run away, to turn and run never looking back. But.. at the same time, he felt like Jason couldn't help being the way he was somehow. He thought,

'I need to learn more about him while I'm here. Then I can either use it against him, or.. console him. Either way it's orally going to hurt or even kill me'

Just stomping his thoughts, he focuses back on Jason. Taking in a certain beauty the toymaker had. He was so elegant, pretty even. His jaw was delicately placed, his nose pretty and perfect, and his eye lashes long but gorgeous.

He was shocked women weren't fawning all over him. He was almost a perfect specimen, all though his...killing was a set back.

In another life, Finn would have been into him, if he was a woman... of course. Jason would have been a perfect man, besides the obvious. Maybe Finn would have still been with his family too if he were a girl, they seemed to love all of the girls, he knew his little brother had a hard time growing up, but not as bad as he did.

Suddenly, Jason leans into Finns touch, groaning lightly. His arm stiffens from Jason moving, not knowing what to do. He didn't plan this to happen and he thought if Jason woke up right now, he'd be called all sorts of names...


Jason was the one who held his hand first, because Finn was asleep. So that means he can't say anything then..

Shaking his head, he hated himself. He didn't know why all the sudden he had the guts to touch him, or even be near him. Back in the toy store Jason would brush up against him and he would blush, or avoid contact. But now, here he was, playing with a killers hair while he slept, after he tried to kill Finn. 

What kind of logic is that?

Jason's face was relaxed though, and he wished he could feel the same way right now. But no, Finn was freaking out over nothing. It was Jason's fault if he wanted to be in here and be all touchy with him! It wasn't Finns fault. It's not like he could just up and leave.

Shaking his head he sighs, letting himself find the courage to actually calm down and relax.


It wasn't long before Jason popped his head up quickly his eyes widening as he realizes that he had fallen asleep next to Finn...who was now awake and staring at him with a bewildered expression

"Oh" was all Jason could manage before he took his chair and made some distance between the two. The silence hung in the air thickly. So thickly that perhaps Jason could cut it with a knife.

It was silent for a very long time, both males sat watching  each other's every move. The toymaker didn't know whether Finn was going to cry, try to get up, or scream.

"So..." Jason begins, wringing his hands together and looking towards the other.

"So" Finn repeats, looking around.

"I...I'm sorry, for..that" the redhead points a hand in Finns direction, towards his legs. The male only snorts, frowning.

"It's fine I guess, I had time to think about stuff. I don't hate you even though I probably should because you're a dick" Finn blurts out, pretty angrily, looking away from Jason, surprised he even had the balls to say that, because he knew the toymaker had some kind of anger issue problem. Finn knew he didn't want to trigger it again. But he couldn't help himself, he was still slightly pissed off at the redhead.. he broke his fucking legs?! Both of them! Not just one. So he couldn't even get up to go to the bathroom, or stretch his legs.

Finn supposed Jason had gotten the hint, he was moved well across the room, towards the door by the time the other had pulled himself away from his angry thoughts.

"Oh..I'll just, leave you alone then." Jason clears his throat, pulling his key out, unlocking the door, and quickly closing it back with a huff. 

Leaning against that door, Jason sighs closing his eyes, his cheeks burning hot with embarrassment.

"Of course he doesn't forgive me, of course he's still mad at me, I would be too. I'd be pissed" He mumbles, pushing himself forwards he begins down the hall and towards his workbench in another room.

"He likes gifts that means I need to do something something win him back over" He pauses, tapping his chin as he
reaches said room.

"Wait a minute, I have the perfect idea.."

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