Jealousy Is a Bitch

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AN: CW for language

The next couple of weeks flash by, and Jason said that an old friend would be coming over to stop by. The thought of that not only scared Finn, but slightly pissed him off for an unknown reason. He was told to stay in his room or with Danie and MoonBeam, but Finn was feeling brave enough to defy Jason's rules.. at least to watch them from afar. Danie had protested, but she could do nothing but watch nervously as Finn snuck towards the workshop, she was only a doll after all.

Finns face was contorted into a glare, a sour faced, evil look. If looks could kill- whoever it was would be dead by now, he didn't know why. But he already hated whoever it was that Jason had to talk to. He felt less important he supposed. Which was bullshit, obviously because Jason wouldn't have kept him alive and made him stay so close if he didn't care. But the anger the other males body was radiating told a completely different story.

His light footsteps take him to the doorway of the workshop, peaking in. Jason sat on the same workbench where he and Finn had made that stupid stuffed rabbit.

"Well, candy it is nice to see you again"

"You as well, you look good since the last time I saw you. Quite the opposite for me though. Since you have to fix that blasted mallet again" an unknown male voice spoke up, a flirtatious tone undermining everything he was saying. As Finn peaked farther around the corner he spotted who was talking. A blue haired jester sat on the end of the table, his legs crossed ever so seductively and a hand placed on Jason's shoulder.
Finn almost lost it, he gripped the wood tightly, his knuckles turning white.

'What, the, fuck. Who is that?'

He gritted his teeth angrily, who is that? Why are they doing that? Is Jason okay? What if they're making him uncomfortable? All of this was used to ignore the fact that Finns jealousy was off the charts. He was almost seeing red, and that never happened with Finn. He was normally a fairly calm person..until someone pulled this shit, and then he got mad.

"What the fuck do I do.." the black haired male mumbles, his voice laced with as much violence as he could muster- which was seemingly a lot. But it's not like Finn could run in there and punch the jester. That would be a suicide mission. Because one thing was certain, this 'candy' guy, had to be like Jason. So, that meant Finn had to be careful, he didn't want to. But it had to happen like this, or he'd get killed.

He knew Jason would be pissed if he walked in, but he would have to deal with it.

"Jason! I hate to be an interruption, but I was starting to feel ill and needed your help" Finn very, very dramatically says. His hands going to his stomach in attempt to make himself look ill. Jason on the other hand swivels around quickly, his expression turning to a look of shock and Mayne a hint or two of anger.

"Oh why hello there~ who is this? You weren't going to introduce me to him were you?" The jesters sick, stupid voice rings out playfully as he jumps up off of his postion on the table. He strolls over to Finn casually and cups his chin.

"And what, is your name handsome?" He coos, batting his eyelashes flirtatiously. Finns insides twisted with disgust. Was he like this with everyone? Luckily, Jason intervened, pulling Finns body towards him instead.

"Look Candy, I appreciate the talk, but I need to tend to my friend here, I'll be right with you" Jason's arms hold onto Finn tightly, leaving his face hidden in the toymakers chest.

'Good, Candy didn't need to be near him anyways. I'm glad Jason is on my side...for now at least' Finns thoughts shout at him, a certain excitement beginning to make him feel all giddy that he was getting his way.

"But Jay! I just want to talk"


the nickname is what set him off. Finn tried to ignore it but the whining and complaining of the stupid entity in front of him was too much and he snapped.

"Are you fucking deaf? He told you that he has to deal with me. Your bitch whining is so annoying."

Never had he ever thought something like that would come out of his mouth. He never thought he would defend Jason's words, but here he was yelling at a scary looking jester with bells on the ends of his hair.

It seems as though Candy is taken aback.
"Do you even know who I am? Or what I'm capable of? Jason may like you now. But he's gone through many a friend in his life time. You're not special, I am. And let's keep it that way"

Pulling away from Jason, Finn turned around. Gritting his teeth he gave the politest smile he could muster, narrowing his eyes dangerously.

"I, don't, care. So shut the fuck up. I don't know you and I don't plan on it because you're such an annoying mallet using cock sucker"

"Why you little shit, Jason keep your guard dog under control. You know what no I'm leaving" Candy, who was equally offended as he was pissed. Picks his mallet up, which was half fixed, and walks into a hallway disappearing from sight a few moments later.

"What the fuck was that?" Jason's voice hisses from behind. His mouth ajar. Finn looks down, embarrassment finally settling into his body. He didn't know what the fuck he was doing, he didn't understand why that candy guy was even making him mad, but he did.

"I..don't know" He mumbles, wrapping his arms around himself. His face was beginning to burn from the amount of red that surely covered it. And the terrified feeling he had when hearing Jason's voice angry.

"Don't- don't do that. Candypop could have killed you, and I couldn't have done a single thing to help you- why..why did you do that?" The toymakers voice was softer here, upset in a way Finn didn't understand. But he stood there, and began to cry, like a wussy. After yelling at a probable Demonic jester, he started crying because Jason was mad at him.

How ridiculous.

"I'm sorry, I just- you looked uncomfortable, I wanted to- I don't know, help you.. and I was upset.." He was sobbing now, Finn felt so ridiculous for crying about this stupid feeling he was having, but he didn't like it, he hated it.

Jason's face softens, and he sighs. Pulling Finn back into his embrace, the male stands there, gripping onto the only thing he really had left in life.

"Come on, I'm taking you to my room and I'll clean you up. You're a mess"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2022 ⏰

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