Pushed Away

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AN: yeah I don't like this chapter that much, it feels very rushed, but to be honest, I'll go with it, I apologize for grammar or spelling mistakes. Take note, that this chapter is only the beginning 👀

After a hard day of work, Finn goes to relax by his favorite person, by now. Jason and Finn had been friends for little over two and a half months. Jason had a sneer on his face when Finn sat down. This was the first time the black haired male had seen such anger resonating within the toymaker, so he did what any normal person would do- try to comfort his friend.

"Hey, are you okay man? You look really ups-"

"I'm fine, stop" He was interrupted by the redhead. Feeling slightly offended, Finn opens and closes his mouth, not really knowing what to say at that moment. To which, pisses Jason off even more.

"Look, I'm just in a bad mood for no particular reason" He tries to explain, sighing in a frustrated way.

Finn gives a sympathetic look, and Jason averts his eyes, glaring towards the ground.

"Go on, go to your room or just down stairs. I need to be alone with my thoughts for at least an hour" He states, shooing Finn away like a bug.


Jason sits, his knees pulled up to his chest, and his head laying on top of his knees. He felt so angry at Finn and he didn't know why, he hated the way that boy made him feel.
The way Finn would smile at him would send stupid little butterflies into his stomach and make him act stupid. It had happened only a few days ago, or at least... Jason had only noticed it then. It made his face heat up and his body feel funny. He did not like that feeling at all. But he could do little to nothing to stop it.

Of course Jason had felt this feeling before, and he absolutely refused to have it happen again, because the last time..it.. didn't work out so well for the poor toymaker. Of course not. It never worked out in Jason's favor. That's why it had to this time or the redhead felt like giving up. He had spent decades. Literal DECADES searching for the perfect chosen. And now, he hoped he had found him. But this stupid feeling was in the way, and Jason felt like... like- he wasn't good enough. He not good enough? If he had told anyone that truly knew him, they wouldn't believe it. But Jason felt insecure, and dare he say it, vulnerable.

It pissed him off so much, that he had to take a breather. He needed to relax, maybe take a hot shower, or just destroy something. He needed to be away from Finn, but.. he wanted him around at the same time. It felt as if two consciousnessess were fighting for dominance in his brain and that, is what put him over the edge.

Jason grabs the closet object to him and chucks it at the wall, it was a glass and it shattered on impact, causing a loud breaking sound to signal within the building.
"God damn it" He mumbles suddenly more upset than before. Not a moment later He begins to sob uncontrollably, sinking to the ground and grabbing his hair in two fistfuls, so angry, and for what? What made him so mad that he had to do this? He didn't know and he didn't care, he was pissed and couldn't think straight. All he knew is that he needed to get out of sight before he turned, turned into that real, nightmarish form of his.


Finn can hear the sounds of sobbing, screaming and crying from up above. He cringes, being slightly scared and not knowing what to do.
"Is he okay? What if he hurt himself?" The male says aloud, obvious worry in his tone.


"I'm going to just walk up there and check on him, no biggie" Finn mumbles, climbing the steps cautiously. He Saunters into the living room seeing Jason on his knees and holding his head angrily.

If Finn wasn't frozen in place and in mind, he would have left quickly, but instead, he called out.. so very foolishly to the toymaker.

"Uh- Jason..? Are you..okay?"

His crying stops, which makes a hole dig itself deeper and deeper inside of Finns stomach. His insides twisting together painfully.

Jason turns, slowly. And what Finn sees is absolutely shocking, to the point where he is slowly backing up, wide eyed and ready to bolt.

Jason's skin is rotting away and his eyes has turned a pale, green. And he's noticing that the toymakers hair is losing its color, turning a silvery white.

'That can't be Jason... can it? No way.. he looks different, this isn't a human...'

"Finn.. what did I tell you?"

The color drains from his face. So it really was Jason, he was so scared, he was shivering uncontrollably and his eyes were darting around the room.

"Now that you've seen my true form...I'm going to have to kill you"

His voice is laced with a kind of hurt and posion that Finn had never heard before. He didn't want to die, not here, not with him. Turning, the boy makes a beeline for the stairs, but he doesn't make it, suddenly Jason is there, his hand, turned black by rott grips the other males hair. His laugh echoing throughout the room they both were in.

"Where do you think you're going? I'm not done playing with you yet" Jason's words send terrified sparks down Finns spine, tears threatening to fall down his cheeks.

"Jason, I.. don't know what I did wroHRK-" fingers grasp his neck firmly, Jason had ahold of him, and he wasn't planning on letting go.

"Well, I know what you did to me!" He shrieks, eyes full of distrust and rage.

"And now... you've gone and betrayed me" He pauses for a moment, searching Finns face as he chokes for air.
"You.. ran away from me. I'm hurting and you messed that up- messed us up... our friendship up" the redhead finishes, throwing Finn to the ground harshly. There was no way Jason was going to let Finn continue on, no way. He had to go, this was certain.

As the redhead pondered on what what do, Finn gasped for air, gripping the floor tightly. Jason knew that Finn was so loyal those few months they were together, and killing him would make Jason lonely again... but it's not like he couldn't find a new chosen right?...right? He felt a part of him shrivel up and die at the thought of not having late night conversations with Finn anymore... or having a quiet breakfast with him.. or..or...

'fuck! I need to get rid of him he's only ruining me'

Jason grabs Finn up again, the male squirming and whining scared, trying to get away from his inevitable death.

"There's no use in fighting it dearest Finn, I have many uses for you yet"

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