*Chapter 5* - Ardor & Apathy

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I stood freshly showered in the dormitory, explaining the night's events to Romilda. "I'm honestly pretty proud of you" she laughed, imagining Draco all muddy. "Here's the thing though" I trailed off. "I feel... almost... bad". Romilda scoffed. "Why?" I wasn't entirely sure how to answer. "You didn't see the look on his face," I said seriously. "Draco Malfoy. DRACO MALFOY looked like he was going to cry". The mental image stuck incredulously in my head. "Probably upset you messed up his hair" Romilda mused, and Lavender laughed from across the room, where she lay sprawled, a transfiguration book forgotten to the side. Romilda saw my stricken face and sighed. She rolled her eyes. "You could always apologize?". I sighed deeply. "You're right". "Char, Char-" Romilda was bewildered. "I was kidding" she stressed as I got up. I shrugged, backing out of the door. "Charlotte-" Romilda pleaded, but I was already gone.

It was almost past curfew, but I decided the best place to find Draco would be the dungeons. Luckily, I spotted Crabbe wandering the hallway. "Erm- Crabbe" I began "have you seen Draco?" Crabbe thought for a second and looked at me appraisingly. "Prefect's bathroom," he said, raising an eyebrow. "Seems that someone dumped mud on him". I muttered my thanks and began climbing the stairs. The prefect's bathroom was nestled into a corner on the fifth floor. I wasn't technically supposed to know where it was, given my less-than-prefect status. However, thanks to Hermione, I knew the password to be 'Wintergreen'.

"Draco?" I called into the cavernous room. A corner shower was running, steam billowing up into the cool night air. "Fuck off" came his unwelcome response. "Have you come to put some more mud in my hair, or just to disturb the 10 minutes of quiet I've had all day?" Unsure of how to respond, I began. "About that- Draco, I just wanted to apologize." I took a few steps closer to the shower stall. He was silent. I tried to avoid gazing through a crack in the curtain, but my curiosity got the better of me. I could see his frame silhouetted through the evening light, hands splayed in front of him on the tile, head hung in the stream of hot water. He remained silent. Was he ignoring me? For the second time that night, some instinctual force had me doing something that my brain did not want me to do. I ripped open the curtain.

His head whipped to the side. "The fuck are you doing?" I honestly didn't know. All I knew was that for some reason, some absolutely insane reason, I wanted to join him. I stepped forward, fully clothed into the stream of water, my face inches from his. His breath was hot, eyes still wide, staring deep into mine. In a split second, our bodies were intertwined. Kissing me hard, Draco pushed me roughly against the warm tile wall, hands darting around my body, touching all of the places he'd been longing to for months. He forced my wet shirt over my head, immediately focusing his attention on my breasts as he began unbuttoning my pants. His tongue found my nipples and began to suck on them, hands wandering as steam filled the stall. Draco's left arm wrapped around my back, his right hand diving between my legs. "Draco-" I moaned in his ear as his thumb began tracing my clit, three fingers pumping inside of me. His hand flew to my throat, pushing my head back. "I didn't say you could speak" he whispered in my ear, his voice raspy. At once, he picked me up; slamming my spine into the corner. He rammed his cock inside of me without warning. I gasped at his size, and his hand found my neck once more. Choking me with one hand, he pounded me against the wall. After several moments, my vision was becoming starry; and I came closer and closer with every stroke he made. "Draco" I tried to moan. His head hung over me, his breath hot; inches from my own mouth, but never quite meeting. His hand slackened as his legs began to tremble. My vision returned, air flooding my lungs. He thrust deep into me, and I felt him release. My own orgasm was not far behind, and I collapsed against the shower wall, the steaming water cascading over us.

Thankfully, Draco had paid attention in fifth-year charms class and remembered the spell to dry clothing. The steamy air dissipated into the rafters above, as we dressed in silence, neither of us wanting to be the first to admit what just happened. I ran my fingers through my wet hair in front of the mirror, catching his eye from where he stood behind me, fiddling with the button on his right sleeve. I hadn't noticed before, but Draco had scars on his wrist. They were thin, and looked fresh. I wondered briefly if he'd had some sort of accident over the summer. I turned around, staring at a tendril of my hair as if the right words to say were written in the tangled blonde pieces. "So, I'll uh- see you around?" I said awkwardly, registering a disappointed look from his end that confirmed that had not been the right thing to say. He sucked his teeth, looking at me appraisingly. I pretended to busy myself with the strap of my watch, which was stuck on the time I walked into the prefect's bathroom- 10:43. Damn, this was awkward. Draco opened his mouth for a second, about to say something, then seemed to think better of it. I had never known Draco to be at a loss for words, but I suppose, there is a first for everything. Would we go back to hating each other? It seemed like a much better option than parading ourselves around the corridors, hand-in-hand. I actually smirked to myself at the thought of it. It was ludicrous. "See ya", Draco echoed back finally, turning his back to me to collect his things.

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