*Chapter 20* - Lamentations & Lust

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Over the next few weeks, the biting chilly air was replaced by bright mornings and flowers popping up across the grounds. Draco, however; was no closer than he had been to fixing the vanishing cabinet. It was another late night, and torches burned around the room, casting eerie light upon the piles of junk, and ever-growing stacks of books. Draco was sitting on the floor, his legs were crossed at the ankles, and he balanced a book on his lap. He wasn't reading though, rather staring at the pages, hoping that the answer he'd been looking for would appear. I was sitting in my usual corner on the couch, scrutinizing him from across the small clearing we'd made around the cabinet. Draco sighed miserably and closed the book. He looked at the cover for a moment, seeming to consider it, then ultimately decided to hurl it by the spine into the abyss of junk surrounding us. "Draco- that was a library book-" I groaned. Madam Pince was going to flip her shit. Draco glowered. "I don't think an overdue library book will be much of a bother to me when I'm dead," he said snarkily. I didn't respond and busied myself with pulling a loose thread out of the sleeve of my school robes. I had always known Draco to have a very poor sense of humor, but never at his own expense.  

"Draco I-" I looked up to address him. He had leaned his head back against the cabinet in frustration. The room, dimly lit as it was, couldn't hide the silent tears rolling down his face, reflecting in the torchlight as they fell down his pale cheeks. I continued to fiddle with my sweater, rather than acknowledge what would clearly be an awkward situation for both of us. He took a sharp, gulping breath, and I peered up at him through my lashes. I debated on whether or not I should try to comfort him. Despite the time that we spent together, and the unarticulated feelings between us; I wasn't entirely sure he wouldn't curse me if I tried to console him. Troubled with indecision, I got up and quietly strode towards him; placing a hand on his forearm. He jerked his arm away at my touch, and hastily wiped his cheeks, then sent me a look as though I had severely intruded on his personal space. The room was silent, other than the crackling of the torches. I sat back on my knees, contemplating him. Draco was staring over his shoulder, avoiding my gaze. 

After a few long minutes of silence, he mumbled "I don't want to die".

I was taken aback by his brazen display of emotion. I could handle his snarky remarks, insults, or unpleasant attitude, but his vulnerability was much harder to contend with. I knew that deep down, he wanted to hear something along the lines of "everything will be okay", and have that sentence alone quell his fears. The much harsher reality was that even if he managed to fix this cabinet, everything would still not be okay. Evading his certain death at the hands of the Dark Lord would just further the continuation of his servitude. The vanishing cabinet was essential to the plan; as a way to bring the death eaters into the castle and a means of escape should everything go wrong. 

The weight of his mission seemed to have settled deeper than it had when he introduced me to the plan at the beginning of the Christmas holiday. Draco was cynical, sure. An asshole? Definitely. But a killer? He took in another sharp breath and bit the inside of his bottom lip. 

"I can't do this". His voice was barely above a whisper to hide the cracking of emotion hiding in his throat. For a moment, I considered pulling him into a hug; but thought better of it. The bounds of our physical connection seemed to stop at affection. Ripping each other's clothes off was much easier than navigating the tender and considerate path of a relationship. I couldn't imagine Draco and I would manage to get along well enough to make a relationship work anyway. "We'll figure it out" I urged. He looked unconvinced. "Hey, if stupid Potter can escape the Dark Lord and all of the Death Eaters, I think mending a cabinet is well within your skillset" I joked. If there was one thing that Draco loved, it was hating Harry. This seemed to perk his ego a bit, and I felt some of the awkward tension ease. The torches crackled in the silence that followed, and I still feared he was on the brink of a complete mental breakdown. 

"Let's go" I stood up, and began to gather my books from the floor. "And go where exactly?" Draco asked, checking his watch. "It's half past 11". "Since when did Draco Malfoy give a shit about school rules?" I asked caustically, but regretted my tone a bit. He rolled his eyes glaringly but followed suit in picking up his belongings. "I wonder what exciting and interesting place you're bringing me to?" His voice dripped with sarcasm as we walked towards the exit. Making sure the coast was clear, we ducked out past a small blonde girl sitting cross-legged in a window alcove. "I've been out here keeping watch for hours," Crabbe said shrilly "where are you going?". I winked at Crabbe's Polyuice persona and pulled Draco down the marble staircase. 

"Wintergreen," I said the password to the Prefects bathroom and led Draco into the cavernous room. The soft candle-lit chandelier cast a warm glow on the white marble room. The enormous sunken tub was empty, the various magical water taps glistening in the moonlight cast through a stained glass window. I cast a sly look at Draco, who looked unimpressed- and began turning the water taps. Bursts of bright bubbles, sweet-smelling golden liquid, and gushes of warm water flooded the marble basin. I cast another provocative look at Draco and undid the tie of my uniform, dropping it to the floor. I locked eyes with Draco once again; his expression shifting from disinterested, to hungry. I kept my gaze locked as I slowly undid the silver fastenings to my cloak. It swished to the floor alongside my tie. I kicked off both shoes, and then my socks. I was relishing Draco's greedy stare and teased him further as I began to unbutton my school shirt, revealing the lacy black bra I wore. I smirked at him, and began to unzip my skirt as well; shimmying it over my hips and letting it drop to the floor. He ran his tongue over his teeth and surveyed me. "Go ahead", he urged voyeuristically, eager to see me continue. I cocked my head at him and reached behind my back to unclasp my bra. Letting that drop to the floor as well, I saw his erection rise visibly. Draco was looking at me lustfully as I hooked my thumbs into my underwear and slid them down slowly. The water in the tub frothed and bubbled gold and pink, and I lowered myself into its warm embrace. I dunked my head under and emerged, pushing my wet hair back. Draco was eying me still, carefully observing every bubble as they dripped down my ample chest. 

"Are you just going to watch?" I broke his stupor with a flirtatious tone. He smiled for the first time that evening, shaking his head disapprovingly as he began to undo his own buttons. By the time he dove in next to me, I was craving his touch. He brought his hand to my face, and I felt the ring emblazoned with his family crest against my jaw as he pulled me in for a rough kiss. He wound his hand into my hair, and I leaned my head back to allow him more access to my neck. He kissed lightly, nibbling at my earlobe, then making his way to my collarbone. A shiver ran through my spine as his hands gripped my breasts, which were slippery with bubbles. His thumbs drew circles on my nipples while his nails dug into my ribs. Draco pushed me abruptly against the marble wall of the bath and picked up my thighs. Without warning, he thrust deep inside of me. A jolt of pain replaced the pleasure as I got used to his size. "Cutting right to the chase then?" I whispered breathily in his ear.  Gripping the cool marble ledge with one hand, Draco wrapped the other around my neck. "You know I don't like when you speak" he growled, his eyes alight with anticipation. He pulled out to tease his tip at my entrance, before thrusting hard. A strangled moan escaped my lips. "You like that, you little slut?" Draco whispered, his voice raspy in my ear. I nodded, his hand still tight around my neck. He did this twice more; bobbing his tip in and out lightly, before filling me up entirely. My legs began to shake at the intermittent pleasure, and soon I felt myself begging through stifled words "Draco, please-". He smirked. 

"Beg for it".

 I tried to grind my hips against his for some relief, but he pushed me back harder into the bath wall. I whined and scratched down his spine as he teased me again. "Please Draco-" I begged again. He thrust hard up inside me and began rhythmically pushing his hips into mine. His hand released my neck and found my hips instead, gripping them tightly enough to bruise. "F-f-faster" I moaned, feeling him hit my g-spot; pulling all of the breath out of my lungs. "You want me to go -fuck- faster?", he scoffed; but the desperation in his voice was unmistakable. Surrendering to his own pleasure, he bucked his hips quicker, letting out a moan that echoed throughout the cavernous room. He swore and groaned as he continued to thrust, each pushing the tidal wave in the pit of my stomach closer to its crescendo. I felt his cock twitch, and each of us came apart in a crumble of moans and curses as we both reached our peak. 

It seemed like only a few moments before the bleak look returned to his eyes. "We will figure out how to mend it. I promise" I said. I wondered briefly whether it was him or I that needed more convincing of the verity of that statement. 

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