Chapter 5

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Almost 2 year's since an update huh?....Well sh*t. Why not? I've got some time. I just forgot how tedious writing can be sometimes, and how mediocre I am at it. If I said I wanted to continue it might as well. I'll see what you guys think. The chapter may feel rushed as a warning. I forgot how to write to be honest.

Hailey's POV

It has been about 5 days since the park. I'm still trying to wrap my head around it. Just thinking about it makes my head spin. I don't know what came over me. Sure the first time I was tired, I do stupid things when I'm tired. Who doesn't? But that day I was fully aware of everything that was going on. At least I thought so...his head of hair was as soft as a lion's mane. I can still remember how welcoming it felt, and the hand that caressed my locks and back, left a lingering touch upon me, so much so that simply thinking about the event brings me down to me knees. I remember everything down to the smallest detail. His hazel eyes glistened and sparkled. They always did, and I have always noticed. That stupid look that got all the girls falling for him, yeah how could I not notice...but when his gaze is on me...suddenly that stupid sparkle...isn't so bad......I want his me..


I jumped from my seat, nearly falling down to the floor from how far back the chair was tilted. I shook my head for a moment and I answered the phone. 


"HAILEY! GREAT! AWESOME! AMAZING!" Daisy screamed from the other side of the phone.

"Whoa whoa hang on there Daisy what's goin on?" 

"Is it possible for you to come over to my place on Saturday? We are planning on having a sleepover!"

"We?? Who's we?"

"The whole band of course!"

My heart sunk at the thought. The whole band? God things are going to be so awkward! Things are already bad enough in the music room! Me and Jake just exchange glances. The two main singers that have to do a duet, won't even talk to each other!...but we can't stay that way forever, one way or another we have to get back to normal soon, or we'll never be able to compete.

"Hailey? You there?"

"O-Oh yeah I'm here..yeah I'll be there.."

"AHHHH! YES! I'll text you the address soon okay? See you then!" 

Daisy you really know how to come at the wrong time don't you?

...2 days later...

The mansion that stood before me was nothing like I was imagining. I thought it would be big...NOT HUGE! THE THING IS MASSIVE! GATES! FOUNTAINS! COURTYARD WITH PERFECTLY TRIMMED BUSHES! 

"You know sometimes I forget you're rich, and to this day I will never be able to comprehend the sheer average living that is my life," says Milly who dropped her bag at the sight. 

"Ehe~ You should see how it is on Christmas~" Daisy giggled.


The 7 of us walked in admiring the place. The mansion seemingly getting even bigger as we grow closer. Everyone was wowing at everything that they could see. Me and Jake..kept on glancing..great nothing has changed....perrrfecttttt...


"Alrighttt! Squad Fam is ready to rockkk!" Milly blared.

"Milly stop trying to make squad fam happen, it's not going to happen.." Zander croaked irritably. 

"Awe common Zander...I even planned on getting us T-shirts..." Milly sulked as Jake laughed and pet her head.

"Ahaha don't worry Milly, I know where my squad fam is at." Milly's eyes sparkled like crazy as he pretty much confirmed what she said in the mall that one time when Sean lost his laptop. Her mouth smiled agape as all of us except Zander laughed. He pretty much growled profusely. 

"So Daisy, what do you have planned?" Sean asked. 

"I have a few things! We can play cards, watch a movie, bake something in the kitchen-" Just then Luke blurted. 

"NO COOKING!" All of us looked at him as we grew silent. 

"Pff- what's wrong with cooking Luke?" I asked, desperate to break the silence. I can break a group awkward silence but not the one I have with Jake? How stupid..

"Let's just say I know what happens when Milly gets into the kitchen. I tried to help her once making a batch of cookies for Elliot and the kitchen nearly went-" Milly's hand suddenly was around his neck. Her eyes gleaming with deathly intent and instinct. Luke smiled nervously wide eyed and terrified...good song lyric I'll have to write that down.

"Alright~ I have a game we can play its called PIN THE KNIFE ON THE LUKEY BOY! FUN FUN FUN FOR ALL AGES 10 AND UP!

"There's our devil back at it again.." Sean joked as we all laughed once more. This is nice. This is how things should be. Good laughter between every single one of us. 


After playing together with cards, cracking jokes, and having to drag Milly AWAY from the kitchen due to Luke's very distinct fear of the two together, we all ventured deeper into the mansion. The plan was to go to the break room as they called it, where there were pool tables and retro arcade machines. However...things with Jake still haven't changed. 

While we were playing cards Jake would usually jokingly trash talk whoever he skipped or plus two'd. Whenever I was sitting next to him and he did that, he didn't say a word apart from the occasional "Take that" which was a lot weaker than when he would yell it at Zander. He would do it with that dumb smirk on his face haha.. Yet when he looked at me, any sign of happiness and joy would just..disappear. I'm having fun...but I don't know if I'm having AS much fun as I could be. 

You're in my head Sterling..get out..just get out..please...stop bothering me you charming piece of...ugh..

I sulked in the back of the group as we continued down the corridor. Suddenly I felt a nudge on my arm. It was Jake...he didn't look at me at all. Great. Now we've gotten so bad to the point that we can't even look at each other! My neck feels locked in place, and it suddenly feels like we've been walking down the corridor for ages. 


Without looking at me...he held my hand. I didn't dare look at him in the eyes as my face radiated a burning heat. Suddenly whatever I was thinking, had washed away. I turned my head slowly to look. His eyes were looking straight into mine. A face with little expression yet his eyes spoke it all. From what I saw in it I could make out 3 words. 3 words I reciprocated.


Jake's POV


Hailey's POV


I think it goes to show that I have no clue what I am doing with this story haha. I thought I had a good idea of what I wanted out of it but I just like seeing these two faun over each other. This is a tester chapter. See who is still here and willing to continue. DO NOT take this as me fully continuing. I am testing this out because I had a burst of inspo you know how it is. Hell I don't even know if this chapter will stay up. We will have to see. 

Words Not Spoken (Jake x Hailey) || The Music FreaksWhere stories live. Discover now