Chapter 3

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Hailey's POV

"Hailey? Have you seen my watch?" Zander calls as I hear the door swing open.

"-no it has to be spoken not screamed." I accused. The two of us had quickly fake argued to cover up what was just happening.

"Hey! I'm not screaming, I'm singing there is a difference!" He barked at me.

"You sound like you're yelling from the top of your lungs like that John Tron meme! You have to sing the words softer."

"Um-" Zander butted in, "Hailey, have you seen my watch? I have to meet Luke at the Sam & Ash to help him pick out some drum sticks."

"Right now? But it's 7PM." I addressed.

"Yeah I know. It'll be quick. Also Jake," Zander gave Jake his usual death stare that terrifies Jake even after he's seen it a hundred times. He swallows so hard that I can even hear it 6 inches away from him. "I think it's time you leave."

"Zander!" I hissed.

"It's getting late Hailey. We should get ready for tomorrow. Besides, you don't need this fool, to write your songs."

"Actually Jake has been really helpful." I say nudging Jake on his arm.

"I have? I-I mean yeah I have!" Jake saved as I facepalmed.

"Whatever, just finish up and Get....out..." He fumed just like he did when Jake first entered the Club.

"Don't listen to him, he's used to you now, he would've been a lot angrier if you were here 5 months ago." I explain looking at Jake.

"Yeah I know. Still he is very terrifying sometimes." Jake shuddered.

"Oh~ Is prince charming scared of my brother now?"

"I'm not scared, I said he's terrifying!"

"You are so stupid." I laugh.

"Whatever Music Freak." He chuckled. I haven't heard those words in a while...and it caught me off guard. I looked at Jake, not knowing what face I was making. I assume it was disappointment because when I looked at him, his face sunk.

"Im...sorry I didn't-"

"It's fine.." I interrupted him. "I'm used to it, remember?"

"Right..." The two of us stayed quiet for a moment, and I stared at the floor and his feet, a little sad that he decided to call me that. It triggers unhappy memories. I get over it in like what 7 minutes? But still.

But then..."Hailey." I hear him speak, and it's like he ripped out my breath from my throat. I suddenly felt a chill run down from my shoulders to my toes, and it almost made me lose balance. His hands were so warm and big, clutching my shoulders oh so gently, as if he was touching a flower. I'm not some fragile object, but it feels so nice to be treated like one sometimes.

"I want to-"

"JAKE! YOU BLITHERING BUFFOON IF YOU'RE STILL HERE!" Zander snapped from the other room as we both erupt into laughter. I cover my mouth as I try to suppress my giggles. And Jake does the same as we laugh together

"I should get going." Jake smiles warmly and walks out of the room. And then it's just me. And now that I was a little bit awake...I just realized something. Before Zander had come in...w-we...God my cheeks are gonna melt off my face. What was that?...why did I do that...and why didn't he stop me? He knows I get sleep drunk.

I brush it off and exit the room, and see the front door close right as Jake left. I invited him to work on a song with me, that's all i wanted to do...or is it?..Argh! What am I even thinking! No!

Words Not Spoken (Jake x Hailey) || The Music FreaksWhere stories live. Discover now