Chapter 6

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Hailey's POV

Jake quickly turned away and faced forwards. He seemed really confident that the group wouldn't look back to at. I was hoping his confidence wouldn't be for not. The way his fingers slotted perfectly into my palm drove me nuts. Moments like these made me feel like we somehow understood each other and what the other was thinking. I didn't even have to look to know the kind of face he was making. God how the hell did this happen to us?...

Looking back at it, it all started when I got sleep drunk and leaned on his shoulder. Things began to change shortly after that. I remember how warm his body felt in contact with mine. How safe and welcoming his aura was. How his scent was utterly intoxicating. Before, his words irritated me to no end. The cunning bastard really knew how to piss me off when it came right down to it. Music Freak. The thought echoed in my head as I thought of how he was the one to be made fun of with that exact name, and he had the nerve to use it against me and the music club. Normally I'd be furious. I'm mad of course but I could feel worse if things weren't so different now. He made an effort to change, and if anything his demeanor seems more natural than it was before, as though he had been suppressed for so long. God knows how long he's had to keep this to himself. Drew and his lapdogs have no sense of respect whatsoever. It made me wonder though what would happen if he met us instead.

The two of us said nothing to each other as we got to the front door of the break room. However, right before we entered, our mutual hand holding must've communicated some secret message between us, because just as we entered the room, we grabbed each others forearms, and slithered our hands across  it, slowly and intimately, again not daring to look each other in the eye. A short yet impeccable experience. Our fingers glided upon our palms and finally touching each other's middle finger tips before our connection severed and we both hung out at opposite ends of the room, making sure the two of us had no sort of interaction whatsoever.


Daisy's mansion being as big as it was should've surprised no one when she told us we would all be getting our own rooms. Despite that we were still shocked at the idea of it. All of them were pretty plain as far as rooms went. Aesthetically plain as I would say. After being assigned our rooms and unpacking my things I took it upon myself to change into my PJ's since it was getting late anyway. Just as I slipped my pink silk pants and blouse on somebody knocked on my door, as my heart sunk. Ah shit...I took a deep breath and opened the door and my face wet met with you guess it. Jake.

"Evening princess~" He smirked leaning on the door frame. I briefly laughed with a PFFF-.

"We barely talk for a week and the first thing you say to me when we're alone is that?" I retorted as I looked up his body as he had the same idea as me. He wore a light blue pair of PJ's with his name etched into the left side of his chest. He laughed nervously.

"Well..that's just how I build confidence I suppose..." His face lit up slightly emitting a light pink that complimented his floofy hair. I didn't blame him of course, with how awkward things have been. I have been the same. We stayed at my doorway for a little before he finally started. "May I come in?" He asked. I nodded smiling at him before moving out of the way, letting him in and closing the door.

"So then Sterling, do what do I owe the pleasure?~" I joked. Sitting on the edge of my bed.

"Haha! Someone's been getting bolder lately." He laughed.

"I learn from the best." I said giving him a warm smile. He laughed in response and reciprocated my gesture. At first it was a confident, sly, and cunning smirk of an overconfident egotistical bastard that had no cap on his restraint in his effort to brag or flaunt his good looks to anyone and everyone. Slowly however, it melded into a gentle and endearing smile that I've only seen a couple times, that made my heart flutter. "Are you gonna sit down or are you just gonna stand there?" He rolled his eyes as he walked over to me and sat down really close. Almost as close as we were at the park. "So..what did you want to talk about?"

"Oh! W-well you know just!...stuff!" He sputtered.

"Riiight..." I suspiciously eyed him as continued to look down in my lap, fiddling around with my fingers. "

"Yeahhh maybe I didn't think this one through," he admitted nervously scratching his head.

"You never think things through." I joked.

"You know, the door is right there. You can see yourself out." He joked back.

"This is my room ya dork~" I laughed.

"Ah-!...touché.." he sweated smiling awkwardly as I patted him on the back.

"My point proven exactly." He looked into my eyes as he quickly pointed them down for a second and back at me to get me to look at something. Inching my head down I was met with his open hand that was waiting. Inviting me to partake in something short lived earlier. I didn't hesitate this time. With everything that's happened this is nothing. At that moment I didn't care how embarrassed I was or how much I wanted to bury my face into a pillow. I slotted my hand into his once again and figured I might as well before leaning my head on him once again scooting into him like I was back at the park. I took a deep breath before closing my eyes to relax in his warmth. Suddenly I knew how he was feeling for the past week that we had barely talked. Everything he did said something. The way he held my hand tighter when it intertwined with his. It said "I've missed this so much." The way he leaned his head onto mine with no hesitation. It said "I want to stay by your side." The way he turned his head and placed a peck on my forehead...well you can already tell what that said...

While I was confused yes, I was pretty sure I knew what this feeling was. I pushed it to the back of my mind and told myself lies to protect myself from the idea that Jake didn't feel anything remotely close to what I was feeling. But now that he's told me how he feels without saying a word, I had nothing left to lose.

"Bad move Sterling..." I spoke huskily.

"S-Sorry..should I not have done that?" He panicked.

"That's not it. I just know that you're the one who would've wanted to take this from me." I got off his shoulder, glided my fingers through his face and cupped his cheek.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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