Chapter 4

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Hailey's POV

Jake. Was he there the whole time? Had he been listening in? Or did he just arrive. Please tell me he didn't hear or see all of that. I felt my cheeks flush with embarrassment, and tried to keep a straight face.

"Oh!...Hi J-Jake!" I stutter. I compose myself and take a deep breath. It isn't working. I feel like a mess. "How long have you been there?"

"Since the beginning." He admits. Those words hit me like daggers to the stomach. Gosh I can't believe he saw me! Actually, why am I so embarrassed. I sang pretty damn good!...So are my cheeks so hot I feel like it's emitting radiation!

" all of that." I say tugging on a strand of my hair, and looping it around my finger. "Never mind let's just! Get to work!" I say trying desperately to change the subject.

"R-Right." He mutters I can almost not hear him.

"Do you mind plugging in the keyboard and the big speaker?" I asked him.

"Sure." He says walking over to the Keyboard and plugging in the wrong speaker.

"No I said the big speaker, not the small speaker." I clarify.

"Oh whoops." He takes the plug out, and plugs in another cord.

"That's the Microphone charger." I giggled.

"Crap, uh this is awkward. Hehe" He tried again and plugged in another cord.

"That's the other small speaker you dork!" I laugh. And he laughs with me. God his voice sounds so nice, especially when he laughs. Some people look beautiful when they cry, and I think the same can be said when they laugh too. I decided since this idiot can't figure it out I'll do it myself. I walk to him and bend down and look through the cords, but then I can't find it.

"That's weird where is the cord?" I asked puzzled.

"Hah! And you called me a dork." He says as I realize he is stepping on it.

"You ARE a dork. Look down~" I smirked teasingly. Jake looks down and laughs immediately.

"Oh my bad!" he apologizes and finally plugs in the big speaker.

"God why are you so dumb?"

"Im not dumb! I'm Handsome~"

"Yeah a handsome dumbo~" I blurt out. He looks at me and gives me that stupid grin he always gives the girls, as the heat begins to once again fills my cheeks.

"That's the first time you called me that~ Other than the time you didn't deny I was handsome of course. And you called me-"

"You are delusional!" I spat. "Come on and get up! Jeez..." I stand up swiftly and pivot away holding my arm and trying to hide my embarrassment. Gosh he can be such an idiot sometimes, but it's cute that way. He may be dense but he wouldn't be Jake if he wasn't. Still it can be very frustrating sometimes. Especially when he used to simp for Daisy. I remember the time Milly had challenged him to an arm wrestle, and Jake was about to win, and then he saw Daisy, and Milly destroyed his arm. Milly never let him live it down. I can still remember Milly bursting with laughter as Jake sulked in the corner. Zander was trying his best not to laugh out loud, but he failed. I think he said "I mean I would've held it in, but then I realized it's Jake I'm laughing at."


"I think that's enough practice for today everyone! Good job!" I announce to the guys.

"Hey Jake!" Milly runs up to him, very eager as always. "Were my guitar skills sick or what?"

Words Not Spoken (Jake x Hailey) || The Music FreaksWhere stories live. Discover now