Chapter 2

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It was 4 PM. I arrived at Hailey's maybe an hour ago and I'm already milked of ideas.

"I thought you said you were good at writing songs." Hailey deadpanned.

"I said I was good at singing songs I never said I was good at making them" I say muffled as my face is on the table.

"I finally decide to invite you over to help me with a song, and this is what I get? What happened to all those ideas you had when you helped me in the club?" She asked. We'd rehearse for the competition every other day, the days we didn't were spend on creating songs, and experimenting with tunes. I'd help Hailey with some lyrics every now and then, and impress the hell out of her with my singing of course. Although her singing, i'll admit is pretty good. Maybe even as good as me...nah im still better.

"If you really like singing you have to look into writing your own songs once in a while. Otherwise you'll just be a cover artist or somethin." She says, continuing to write down ideas onto her notebook. And I flip my head, that's still on the table to face her.

I watch as Hailey scribbles down her notes into her music journal. Now that I think about it, Hailey looks very pretty when she's writing songs. She has got this, very plain face, but it's very intent, and focused. She blinks so softly, it's almost like its beating to the rhythm of my heart.'s making my heart beat. The raven black in her eyes is a perfect contrast to her locks of aqua green hair. She bites her lip when she thinks hard, but I've never seen it up close. Its adorable honestly. Hailey is very attractive, I mean Daisy is more attractive, but she's a close second. Especially when the wind catches her hair, and carries it up slightly. It's the little things that you notice about someone when you get to know them for a while.

"What are you looking at?" She says softly, and then she's staring at me. Our eyes locked on to one another. I didn't process the fact that I was staring, and as well for another 10 seconds. 10 seconds of silence, 10 seconds of eye contact...10 seconds...of her and just was like i was under a spell of some kind. I couldn't look away.

I snapped back into reality and shot up from the table. I felt a faint warmth engulf my cheeks, and I can already picture the shade of red I turned. I pivoted away. "Sorry about that. Lost my train of thought there" I laughed it off.

"Whatever you say weirdo. Now are you gonna help me or what?" She says, continuing to write down in her notebook. "We've got down 4 songs. They are all very hype and upbeat. We just have to wait for Sean to send the new tune. He is putting more emphasis on the feel good aspect of it this time as well as lowering the tempo a bit. That should give our performance some good variation. I think we should jot down some rhymes and ideas for now." She says handing me the notebook. I look at it, and then at her.

"Come on you have to have some ideas in that dense head of yours" She says bonking my head.

"Hey, I'm not dense!" I retorted back at her.

"Uhhh, yeah you are. Now get to work. I'll go get us some water." She gets up from her chair and leaves the room. And there I am. Alone. No one but me keeps me company. I looked through her book for some inspiration, and as I flipped through the previous page I saw some ideas jotted down.



-feeling blue

-broke/road (Half rhyme)

-Falling into/part of you


Possible lines:

-Paved in dreams that led me back to you.

-How did I miss the times that you came through, every glance was chance I was blind to

Words Not Spoken (Jake x Hailey) || The Music FreaksWhere stories live. Discover now