2: Self Sabotage

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Chapter 2:  Self Sabotage  Dave

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Chapter 2:  Self Sabotage 

Self-sabotaging in relationships involves engaging in behaviors, either consciously or unconsciously, that lead to the end of a relationship. This might involve pushing the other person away or finding reasons to get out of the relationship. Such behavior often stems from trust issues, past experiences, and poor relationship skills.
People self-sabotage love for various reasons, like fear, poor self-esteem, trust issues, high expectations, and inadequate relationship skills.
[Psychology Today]

3 Months Ago

Vacation had finally come to an end and what was supposed to be an epic first family vacation full of fun was a total bust for both Dave and April. They had tried to be cordial for the family's sake but it only worked but so much. April had even left and took her belongings next door to her parent's villa for the remainder of the trip. She couldn't stand to be that close to Dave let alone share a room or a bed with him especially after how everything ended. Sure the family took notice but no one said a word. They all knew when the time came that both April and Dave would open up about the situation so until then they let them be.

Home life wasn't even the same for April and Dave. Then again why would it be? They were sleeping in separate bedrooms until they figured out their next move. It had been two weeks since the trip and shit was just up in the air. They were moving around each other like they were roommates. When one walked into a room the other left well when Dave walked into a room April left. Something had to give though because neither one of them liked the living arrangements or the situation period. It was awkward, stressful, and they were both walking around in their own heads beating themselves up wondering when the hell did everything go wrong.

For Dave he had to see April walking around fake smiling once again so the kids wouldn't see just how sad and hurt she really felt and that shit hurt because he was the blame. He had never meant to hurt her but in the end he did. On the other-hand April didn't want to see Dave or even be around him so seeing him at home irritated her. He wanted to leave so bad yet at the moment he was forced to stay and April just wanted him out of her space. To her it was why be here if you don't really want to be here. Go run back to the bitch who promises you can't seem to let go of because all of the ones you promised me have already been broken.

Today instead of tiptoeing around the house and beating himself up Dave was at April's old crib chilling and drowning his sorrows in liquor with his bothers Errol, Shooter, and Bully. They all knew something was wrong they just didn't know what or how serious it was but what they did know is that it involved April.

"So are we gonna watch you drink all day or are you gonna open ya mouth" Shooter asked breaking the silence. Dave had called them up and told them he needed to talk and for the past thirty minutes he hadn't said a word besides greeting them. The first thing he did was spark up a fat ass pre rolled blunt and poured himself a drink. He was happy as hell that April kept the bar fully stocked because he damn sure needed a drink or two possibly even three.

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