5.1: Survive the Night

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5.1: Survive the Night cont...

April knew that Alaina was just checking on her. She wanted to see where her head was at. She spoke about what had gone down between her and Dave with Alaina, Ebony, and Mimi before but after the month that she gave herself to cry she left it all alone. Sure there were some days where she'd call them up and vent but she never really unloaded on them. She didn't want to be a burden even if she knew she wouldn't be a burden to them at all. Besides she didn't want to keep reliving that moment Dave had shattered her heart. It was too much to bear.

"Babes" April said and looked around at all of them as they all focused on her. She knew they were worried about her just like she would be if they were in her position but they honestly had nothing to worry about. She was doing good. "I'm doing ok. I won't lie to y'all. I'm not 100% at all but I'm ok. It's only been a couple of months so it'll take some time to get to that point. I've had no choice but to make peace with everything. I know that it's not my fault and I finally have peace of mind bout how things ended. Like I said I have good days and bad days and lately they've been good days. Today is a good day" she said and smiled before continuing knowing that wouldn't suffice. They most likely wanted to know everything.

During that month that she gave herself to cry she thought about everything she and Dave had gone through since the first time they met. Almost instantly there was a connection but as their relationship progressed it was always something hindering them just like it was always some type of red flag that she chose to ignore. She realized that Dave did indeed know what he wanted but he just wasn't ready for it. He had been a good boyfriend, an excellent father, an amazing provider even when she didn't need any providing. But even with her knowing all of this it still didn't take away the fact that Dave had did her dirty, disrespected her, and made her feel some type of way when it came to being his woman and Kairi's mother. He was so busy crying over Kairi's donor but never cried over her actual mother which was April. She had been that constant figure since day one.

She was the one by Kairi's side. She loved on her. She cared for her. Picked her up when she fell. When she scraped her knees she was there with band aids and kissed all of her booboos. She dried her eyes when she cried. Answered when she called. Came running when she screamed. She fed her, put clothes on her back, did her hair, put her to bed, and read her bed time stories. She took her on mommy and me shopping sprees, took her to get manicures and pedicures, and lunch dates. She never once looked at her differently. She never treated her unfairly or unkind. She never took out her beef with her egg donor on her. She didn't care that they didn't share the same blood or last name. She didn't care that she couldn't see her own features on her face when she looked at her. She didn't care that she saw the perfect blend of Dave and Millie all mixed in one every time she looked at her. At the end of the day she could give two fucks who her egg donor was. She was her damn baby and that's just what it was. April was her mother. She felt like Dave should've put some respect on that shit.

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