6: Cleaning Out My Closet

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Chapter 6: Cleaning Out my Closet

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Chapter 6: Cleaning Out my Closet

The greatest wisdom comes from learning to move forward by letting go of the past. Real power is gained when your focus is on the future, not the baggage of the past.
[Author Unknown]


He didn't know why he was here. His brothers had warned him not to come but before he knew it he was up on his feet walking to the front door with his keys in his hand. Now here he was home of all places if he could even call it that anymore. He knew April didn't want to see him but he wanted to see her. He needed to see her. He missed her and not just the juice box between her delicate chocolate legs. He missed her as a whole. He missed his home. Everything about her he missed. Her presence and her scent that damn cocoa and shea butter mixed with her natural scent sometimes mixed with expensive perfume and body sprays. He missed how she loved him, loved on him, cared for him, supported him, and was just there for him. The way she looked at him like he was everything and the only thing in her world. Her laugh and the way she fit perfectly in his arms even if she was shmedium small. The way they had a king size bed but she always ended up on his side with her head nestled on his chest, arm wrapped around his stomach, and leg draped around his waist.

He missed coming home from a long night at the studio to find her in the bed with nothing on but one of his shirts. He missed how she would immediately wake up and greet him as if she hadn't just woken up out of her sleep. He missed her petty ass ways when it was directed towards someone else. He missed unlocking new parts of her and seeing things he never thought she'd do. He missed it all. He missed coming home to his woman and baby girls and waking up to home cooked meals. He missed hair days where they would all bond as she would wash, shampoo, condition, grease, and style him and the girl's hair. He missed her going out to get her nails and toes done then coming home to get dressed all sexy to go on date nights with him.

He missed lying up in bed talking about any and everything with her. He missed talking and planning their future together. He missed hearing and seeing her excitement about going back to work. He missed talking about their future children. She'd always say she could do one more but he knew from the way she talked and the way her eyes twinkled when they talked about babies that she'd at least give him two. He even missed her calling him Papi. Sure other women called him Papi but it meant so much more and did something to him when April called him Papi. It's like she spoke to his soul. He never knew Papi could sound so good coming from the one he loved. Now life wasn't like any of what he was used to or imagined it would be. This isn't how he thought the LA move would be. He was lonely, miserable, and low key sad. He was working on himself but he knew he wasn't putting in the extra effort that he needed but he wasn't ready to deal with the real issues yet. He felt like talking to Millie would destroy him like whatever else she had to say would do him in like it would be the final nail in his coffin.

Ding Dong

He rang the bell again getting antsy hearing their fancy doorbell sound off. He was like a fiend chasing his next high and she wasn't opening the door fast enough for him to get to it. He knew she was home. He knew she was having a girls' night just like he knew that their baby girls were over at Chris's place for a sleepover curtesy of their grandmothers. Chris was on the road so Joyce had summoned all of the grandmas and snatched up all of the girls. Besides she could act like she wasn't home all day long but since the girl's cars were all parked outside he knew they were all inside. He still had her locations on his phone as well so yea she was definitely home.

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