9: Girls' Trip

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Chapter 9: Girls' TripApril

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Chapter 9: Girls' Trip

"Girls trip because it's cheaper than therapy."
[Author Unknown]

Today was supposed to be a day filled with excitement. Today was supposed to be a day where she floated on cloud nine. Today she was supposed to be all up in Dave's skin. Fuck being in his arms. Fuck cuddling beside him. She was supposed to be one with him. Butterflies soaring in her stomach. A cheesy ass grin plastered on her face. Eyes just a smiling. Happiness was supposed to be following her along this journey. Jitteriness was supposed to accompany her. Love...unconditional love she was supposed to be covered in it.

On top of that it had been a trying week for her. Between keeping her emotions in check and making sure everything at work and home were squared away. Also sending for her and Dave's parents to watch the kids for the week because she still refused to ask Dave for anything unless she absolutely had to so it had been a very eventful week. Luckily Chris would still be around to spend time with Charlie so that was that. Then there was Kairi who almost had a fit once she found out that she would be leaving and gone for a week. So as usual April had to do her usual smothering her with kisses and promising her that she was going to come back let alone spend some extra quality time with her. Luckily it wasn't a full blown fit and far from another panic attack. Thank God for therapy! But Kairi wasn't letting her off the hook that easily either. She had to pinky promise to call her every day before school, after school, bed time for a quick story, and let her know that she could call her whenever she felt like it.

Not only that but Dave had popped back up unexpectedly at the house on a late night and dropped a heavy ass bomb on her. The bomb was so heavy that he ended up staying the night because he refused to leave her alone in the state that she was in. Even if she couldn't admit it out loud and to him April was thankful that he had stayed by her side that night because she indeed needed him. Honestly they needed each other more now than ever. She hadn't mentioned the news to anybody as of yet because she was still processing the new found information herself. But here it was the weekend before her and Dave's supposed wedding and although she had stopped crying about it for some reason today that shit had hurt like hell. It felt like she could physically feel her heart hurting.

This isn't how things were supposed to go. This time things were supposed to be different. It felt different. It felt like she was on the right path but how could she be when she was now single. It felt like she was finally supposed to get her happy ending and no matter how it felt she was now living with a different outcome than the one she dreamt. This was supposed to be the weekend of her bachelorette party and the last few days before she became somebody's wife. This was supposed to be a few days before she was dressed in her wedding gown. Their baby girls Charlie and Royalty were supposed to be walking down the aisle one after another in their cute little white dresses sprinkling flowers along the seashell lined aisle as the music played. Kairi would be dressed in her cute little dress as well as she followed behind her sisters holding their rings. April would be kissed on her forehead by her father as he held her arm and walked her down the aisle to meet Dave and as soon as she and Dave's eyes locked on each other the tears would've threatened to spill out of each of their eyes. Her thug teddy bear that she loved so much would let just one tear drop from his eyes as she approached him with her father in tow. Ian would let her go, kiss her forehead once more, greet Dave with a firm handshake, whisper some shit in his ear, then pull him into a hug before walking off.

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