15: Back To Basics

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Chapter 15: Back To The BasicsDave

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Chapter 15: Back To The Basics

"If she's amazing, she won't be easy. If she's easy, she won't be amazing.
If she's worth it, you won't give up. If you give up, you're not worthy...
Truth is, everybody is going to hurt you; You just gotta find the ones worth suffering?
[By: Bob Marley]

"I know it's you Brewster" April said as she opened the door smiling up at him which only made him smile. This is the face he loved seeing her with on a daily. That smile always seemed to brighten his day and even though he still wasn't feeling her calling him anything but Papi he was going to let her slide because he wanted nothing to fuck up their date night. He had been waiting on this moment and this chance since he asked her. Honestly he had been waiting on it much longer than that and wondered when he'd finally get another chance.

"I'm a need you to tell ya sisters bye you gotta go get ready for a date with Papi" he said ready to snatch her up.

"Oop" both Ebony and Alaina said in unison.

"You better show her a good time and don't fuck up! I told you twice already don't make me have to show you this time. I already gave you two passes too many. I don't play bout mines" Alaina shouted over the phone threatening him and he knew for a fact that she meant that shit. It was all in her tone and more so a promise than anything. But she had absolutely nothing to worry about. Dave wasn't about to fuck up not even in the slightest. Besides he already knew what was waiting for him if he fucked up again and he wanted absolutely no sauce. He wasn't here to fuck her over anyway. He was here to remind her just how good they were together.

"Heard ju...come on ma" he said and pulled her into his arms. Now that he had a chance to touch her he couldn't keep his hands off of her.

"Sissssss" Ebony said all hype still talking to Alaina with her eyes locked on April and Dave.

"See you later babes" April looked back at Ebony and blew her a kiss.

"Call me if you need me sissy"

"Will do love you"

"Love you too" and with that Dave walked her out of the room as the door automatically closed behind her locking on its own.

"So if we're going out tonight whose watching my babies" she questioned as she tilted her head back and looked up at him since he was behind her holding her waist just trying to keep her close.

"The fam...I got Bully and Ebony to watch them. I started to ask mommy but I don't want them to know anything just yet. But after the stunt you pulled last night the family knows so I'm a need you to act like you remember how to play the quiet game from now on" he said but he knew exactly what he was doing last night. She wouldn't be able to keep quiet even if she tried her hardest. He had fucked her with a purpose and the way she finally submitted to him he wanted to do it over and over and over again.

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