Ch.14 Down the waterfall

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The Wonderlandians continued their way while they ate the cake Tony took.

"Man, this is really good cake" Kitty said as she licked the frosting off her lips.

"I told you" Tony grinned.

"When is my wound gonna heal?" Alistair asked as he rubbed his butt on the wound where Cupid's arrow hit.

"According to the medicine" Maddie said "Your wound should heal in about 15 minutes".

"Well how long has it been?" he asked.

"5 minutes" she said as he groaned.

"Don't worry it's just 10 more minutes" Cari said.

"I still can't stop thinking about that" Dina giggled "I should of recorded that".

"And you actually touched his butt" Tammy said to Cari "Usually he'll only let his mom do that. But you did it".

"Well I had to apply the bandage" Cari said.

"But still, I should of watched".

"Did you hear the way he screamed?" Kitty giggled "Wow".

"Can we not talk about that?" Alistair demanded.

"Sorry" the girls giggled as he rolled his eyes.

"Cheer up Alistair" Maddie said "You'll feel better" she said as she smacked his butt.

"Ow!" he cried as he rubbed the wound.

"Oops, sorry" she said.

After about 10 minutes, Alistair pulled the bandage off, his wound had healed like magic.

"Wow" he said impressed "That was fast".

"Feel better now?" Maddie asked.


Just then, a loud scream was heard, and the Duchess doll and the Sparrow doll came out from the woods. They each held small swords as weapons.

"Not again" Lizzie whined.

"Well let's run" Kitty suggested as they all ran from the dolls that went after them. But they suddenly slipped and they rolled down a grassy hill and they felt themselves falling down a cliff and into a river. The river flew roughly so it was hard for them to swim to shore. They looked up and saw the Duchess and the Sparrow doll looking at them with their red eyes, and they left.

"Guys!" Kitty scream as she pointed to the edge of a waterfall that they were about to fall over! They tried to swim away from it, but the river was too strong and it swept them away, and there wasn't anything to hold on to. But then it happened, they fell down the 50 feet waterfall.


They were expecting to crash into some rocks, but luckily they landed in the water without any harsh injuries.

(Sighs in relief)

The water brushed the unconscious friends onto shore, they laid there motionless. But then, Tammy felt herself waking up.

"Still alive!" she shouted as she raised her hand in the air, expecting everyone to do the same.

Maddie then woke up, thinking she was dead, she felt around her body for any injuries, and she quickly pressed her fingers to her pulse, she felt her heart beat and sighed in relief.

Kitty woke up and coughed out water. She then looked her wet self.

"Now I'm wet" she whined, for she hated getting wet, she is part cat after all.

"My heart" Lizzie gasped as she touched the heart on her eye that was now smeared and wet.

Marchness hit his ear to get the water out of his other ear.

"Everyone ok?" Cari asked as she got up.

Everyone said they were ok.

"Wait a minute" Maddie said "Where's Alistair?"

"Over there" Dina pointed to Alistair who was still passed out on the shore. Everyone raced to him and shook him hoping to wake him.

"He's still breathing" Cari said.

"But how do we wake him up?" Bunny asked.

"Let me try" Kitty said as she pressed her ear to his chest, listening to something flipping "Aha, I've this. Everyone stand back" she said as she got up.

"Why?" they asked.

"Just do it" she ordered as they stood back. Kitty then stomped her foot on Alistair's stomach and a small fish popped out from his throat and into her hands.

"Ewww" everyone winched.

"And now I have a snack" Kitty grinned as Alistair got up and couched out water.

"You ok Alistair?" Bunny asked.

"What just happened?" he asked.

"There was a fish in your throat" Tony explained "But Kitty got it out".

Kitty showed him the fish, he clutched him throat and shivered.

"Now I'm cold" Lizzie said as she shivered "And our things are wet".

Maddie poured the water out of her hat.

"Wait" Tammy said "I think I know how we can get dry fast, follow me".

Everyone followed Tammy with the sound of the water squishing in their shoes and dripping off their clothes.

"Here we are" Tammy said as they came upon a large yellow tulip that shined light a light bulb "This is the sun tulip, it's light can make us dry. I'm surprised it wasn't destroyed".

"Are you sure this could make us dry?" Kitty asked.

"Yeah, I've gone swimming in these waters, and this tulip dries me fast, now everyone stand under it".

The gang stood under the tulip, the flower then bend over the group and spread out his petals shining off a bright light, drying everyone. After it was done drying them with it's light, the tulip closed it's petals and brought itself back up.

"Wow" Lizzie gasped as she felt her dry self "We're dry".

"And your heart's dry and clean" Maddie pointed to Lizzie's heart that was now dry and clean on her eye as if it was repainted.

"That was cool" Tony commented.

"Even our stuff is dry" Dina added.

"Well everyone's dry now" Alistair concluded "And we should continue our way".

"But where are we?" Bunny asked "We're off the trail".

"Don't worry" Tammy said "I've been around here more so I know where we are, just follow me and we'll be back on the trail".

So everyone followed Tammy without having to hear any more of the water squishing in their shoes.

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