Chapter 22:Pokemon League

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“You guys are sooo slow!”,Barry said.“Oh,shut up.”,Lucas replied.The three heals their pokemons at the pokemon center.“Alright.Let's go.”, the trio walked into the Victory road.Dawn caught a lot of pokemons while the Barry and Lucas battled with the ace trainers.


“Finally...we're out of that nightmare zone..”,Lucas sighed.“Floatzel,waterfall.”.“Empoleon,waterfall.”.

“Can't we just fly up there?”,Dawn asked.“I mean you technically can but-” “Crobat,fly me up there.”,Dawn cuts off Lucas's sentence.They healed their Pokemons.

Barry takes Lucas's hand and drags him outside.“Let's see who's worthy of challenging the Pokemon League!”,Barry pulls out his Pokeball.Lucas looked at Barry's determined eyes.“Alright,let's battle.”


“Infernape!Use close combat!” “Snorlax!Use earthquake!”.Infernape was faster so it defeated Snorlax.“Heh, not bad....this is my last pokemon...Go Roserade!”.

“Infernape!Come back!Go Togekiss!”

“Roserade use Energy ball!”

“Togekiss use air slash!”

Roserade fainted.“... ... ... you won...”,Barry returned Roserade.Barry sighed.“Well,I guess I just wasn't strong enough...Be the champion for me,alright?”,Barry shakes Lucas's hand.Lucas blushed slightly.“T-that was great battle.”,Lucas said.


(This is what actually happened in my run by the way.)

The first Elite four member,Aaron.Infernape cleared them using Flamethrower.The second one,Bertha.Floatzel sweeped them using surf.The third one,Flint.Floatzel also cleared him easily.The last one,Lucian.Lucas almost lost but shadow claw Lucario was kinda good.

Lastly,Cynthia.Before challenging her,Lucas healed his team.First off, spiritomb.It wasn't that hard,Jolteon one hit KO it with Thunder.Next off,Lucario.Infernape defeated it with flamethrower.Cynthia sends out her ace,Garchomp,a pseudo legendary.Lucas gulped.He sends out Floatzel who knew blizzard.

Lucas inhales.“F-floatzel...blizzard.” “Garchomp,dragon rush!”

The dragon rushed towards floatzel.“Dodge it!”.Floatzel dodges it and used blizzard.It hits,critical hit.Garchomo fainted.“What?That easy?”,Lucas thought.

She sends out her Togekiss,Lucas sends out Jolteon.Jolteon finishes Togekiss and Milotic with a thunderbolt.Finally,Cynthia sends out Roserade.Lucas sends out Infernape.“Infernape, flamethrower.” “Roserade,energy ball.”


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2022 ⏰

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