Chapter 9:Pastoria City

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Did i spelled it right?

"I wonder what legendary pokemon is in the Valor lake..."Lucas mumbled."Probably a strong one!I am catching it one day!"Barry said."Yeah yeah..."


"Finally!We're in Pastoria"Barry said."Im gonna challenge the gym now!Bye Lucs!"Barry said while running towards the gym."Ugh the package haven't arrived yet?That means i'll have to stay here longer!I can't wait to blow some stuff up with the bomb.Hehe.."Lucas heard a Team galactic grunt said.'bomb?'

After Barry got the badge,Lucas go challenges the gym while Barry train his it was a pretty easy gym battle because he brought TM Thunder and teachs it to Jolteon.

After Lucas walked out of the gym.Barry go ro talk to him."What do you think about Mr Wa- i mean Master?."Barry asked."Well i think-"."Oh it's just you guys."Wake said."Oh hey master!"Barry said."Hey kid i know about your father and all but i don't need an apprentice.And you don't need a master.You can get strong on your own."Wake said."Alright.Also Team galactic is talking about blowing the Lake up."Barry said.

"WHAT!?NO ONE MESSES WITH PASTORIA!NOT ON MY WATCH!"Wake shouted.After Wake said that,he ran off."Master!Wait!"Barry chases him.Lucas goes to the pokemkn center to heal his pokemons then he goes after Barry and Wake.

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