A portal appeared.“Yes!We could finally leave this place now!!”,Barry exclaimed.“Where's Cyrus?”,Dawn asked.“Meh don't worry about him,he's a sociapath.”,Barry said.
Barry glanced at Lucas who fainted.“,We should take him to a hospital.”,Barry said calmly.“You've never said something so calmly before but okay.”,Dawn said.
They jumped into the portal.“Yay we're back.”,Dawn said.Barry lets Staraptor out.“I think the nearest place with a hospital is Heartrome City.Staraptor fly me to Heartrome.”,Barry said.He got on the Staraptor with Lucas in his arms.“I'll go tell Professor Rowan about some stuff.I'll be at the Heartrome Hospital soon.”,Dawn said,letting Crobat out.“Alright,see ya!”,Barry said before leaving.
(Writer breathing...First form...TIME SKIP!)
Lucas woke up in a hospital,"What the...".He heard chatting outside the room.
“How's my friend Doc?”,Barry asked.“He's fine.However,he would have to eat liquid foods for now.His stomach is injured.”,the doctor replied.
“Wait.Barry,how are we even going to pay the doctor!?”,Dawn asked.“Don't worry.I have Lucas's wallet!”,Barry said.“You wha-.When did you even got that!?”,Dawn asked.
No wonder I can't find my wallet.
“I got it when we're in Veilstone.I was going to borrow some money,but i ended up forgetting to return the wallet.”,Barry said sheepishly.“Are you sure he has enough money?I mean,we're still kids you know?”,Dawn said.“He's rich.He usually don't spend money on items.He just picked up items scattered around the region.And he just goes to the pokemon center whenever his pokemon needs healling anyways.Come to think of it...why are there so many items scattered around the region?”,Barry said.“Don't know,don't care.Now pay.”,Dawn said.
“Alright alright.”,Barry pulled out the wallet from his pocket then goes to pay.After he paid.The two enters Lucas's room.“Barry,give me back my wallet.”.“How did you-fine..”,Barry hands over the wallet.
“So...what now?”,Lucas said.“Doctor said we can continue our journey tomorrow...I think.",Barry said.
“Knock knock.”
“Who's there?"
“Ach who?”
“Bless you.”
“You son of a-”
“Have you ever eat a clock?”
“It's very time consuming.”
“What's the opposite of antibodies?”
“What is it?”
“Uncle bodies.”
“Lucas used baby doll eyes!”
“It's super effective!”
“That was fun.”
“Sure is.”
An Adventure in sinnoh
FanficThis is a story about a boy and his 'best friend' traveling around the sinnoh region Credits to the original artist of the story cover I also don't own pokemon Takes place in Pokemon Platinum Edition.