Chapter 8:Veilstone city

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  "A-choo!"Lucas sneezed.'Adorable' Barry thought."Why is it raining...."Lucas whined.The two fought some trainers and finally reached Veilstone city."We're finally here!"Barry almost shouted.

"Im gonna buy some things in the department store,you comin' ?"Lucas asked."Sure why not"

After some buying and training.The two was ready to challenge the gym.Suddently.The egg Cynthia gave Lucas hatched into a Togepi." again.You can go to challenge the gym first you know."Lucas said."Alright".

While Barry was in the gym,Lucas and the newly hatched Togepi trained a lot.After some training,Togepi evolve into togetic."I remeber i have a shiny stone..."Lucas said while looking for it."Found it!"

"That was some nice fight."Barry said to himself."Oh hey Lucs.Your challenging the gym?"Barry asked."Yeah."Lucas replied."A-choo!"Lucas sneezed. 'How is he so cute!?!?' Barry thought."Are you okay Barry?Your face is red.Are you sick?Do i need to buy medicine for you?"Lucas asked, concerned."N-no need!Anyways im gonna go train now!See ya later!"Barry replied.

After Lucas beat the gym leader.(That sounds so wrong.)He went to find Barry who said he will be at the game corner.After he finds him he asked Barry "Hey i saw looker saying some stuff about team galactic.I think theres something fishy going on.What am i even saying..Team galactic is probably doing some weird stuff."."Hey isn't that Dawn?"Barry pointed at the direction Dawn was standing.The chaos duo got to Dawn."Guys!These Team Galactic people stole my pokedex!Can you helo ne take it back?"Dawn asked."Of course!"Barey said confidently."Sure.."Lucas said.

After they got the pokedex back.They returned it to Dawn.Looker showed up and told them some things about team galactic.The two obtianed HM Fly.And headed to route 214.

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