Chapter 2: Mako Island

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As they went into the ocean they noticed some problems with the engine.

"Uh Hazel, The engine keeps turning off," Nancy said confusedly, hitting the motor.

"Yeah. I know, was it a good idea taking a boat this small out to sea?" Hazel said nervously, looking at Nancy.

"I'm not sure. At least we are almost to mako. I can see it right up ahead," Nancy replied.

Nancy and Hazel notice the boat is turning off more and more until the engine shuts off.


"Ok. Ok. Let's be calm about this. We can still make it to Mako. We have some paddles," Hazel says while handing a paddle to Nancy.

"I guess your right," Nancy says while starting to paddle.

Nancy and Hazel paddle until they get to Mako island shore, when they notice another boat.

"There's another boat? Someone is here, They can help us," Hazel emphasizes.

"Oh yeah, Let's try to find them. They can't be too far in the jungle," Nancy says happily putting the paddle down.

"Alright. Let's pull the boat in," Hazel says while stepping out the boat.

Hazel and Nancy pull the boat onto shore.

"Are you sure going into the jungle is safe?" Hazel says nervously.

"No, but we need to find the other person here," Nancy says.

"Alright," Hazel says after thinking for a minute.

Hazel and Nancy start to walk into the jungle, avoiding branches and animals.

10 minutes later

"Wait, I think I see someone," Nancy says whispering.

"I see them too. Wait, that's Zoe from school, What's she doing here?" Hazel says whispering.

"Yeah really. Let's say hello," Nancy says while walking up to Zoe.

"Uh hi?"

Zoe jumps and looks at them.

"Wha- What are you doing here?" Zoe says shocked.

"Our boat broke down. We were wondering if you could take us home on your boat?" Nancy begs.

"Please, we can't stay here" Hazel says upset.

"I come here a lot. If you wanna go home with me, then you got to go when I leave," Zoe says.

"Well. I guess that works," Hazel says.

"Yeah. Thanks!" Nancy says happily twirling.

"Come on. I'm looking around. Though your clothes don't look like they are suited for exploring," Zoe notes.

Zoe, Hazel, and Nancy walk until they find a shallow pond that connects to a river.

"This is pretty!" Zoe says looking around z

"Agreed," Nancy replied.

"Hm look at that crystal! It's pretty I'm gonna take it home," Hazel says reaching out for the crystal before falling into a hole.

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