- I - Genesis -

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The origin or mode of formation of something.

To say the Malfoys, Potters and Blacks were confused with their family tree was an understatement. Due to the blood adoptions and previous marriages of their families, they were now undeniably intertwined and allies. There was nothing they could do or wanted to do, they shared three children, two sons and a daughter.

Once the entire great hall had gotten over their shock, the tables and benches were transfigured into couches, beanbags and mattresses with blankets and pillows, and teddy bears for the children. Tony Stark, Ginny Weasley (who inherited her father's curiosity for muggles) and Clarissa Fairchild had decided to set up their rather large screen whilst Daphne, Alec and Peter gave the people of the past a run-down of what to expect.

"Some of the scenes are a bit...mature and gory," Daphne started, glaring at Alec's snort at the words 'a bit' but was unable to finish her sentence with Peter's quick reassurance of the adults, especially the teachers and parents, "But we have tried our very best to filter these scenes as well as the obscene language that is definitely not a lot." he blushed dark red when Wanda laughed and patted his back, "Nice save, hun."

"Alright! We're ready! Keep the younger ones close and don't lose your shit and have a mental breakdown. Thanks." Tony smiled charmingly, seemingly oblivious to the glares of some of the older students and professors as well as his own colleagues.

As everyone got settled, the parents and close relatives of the wizards and witches introduced all sat on the largest couch, which extended to create a rather large bed. The future teenagers all sat together, their bodies draped over one another in comfortable positions that didn't actually look comfortable. The parents and relatives of the past sat similarly, not at all bothered by their children's reluctance to sit with them as a family. 

Their children barely knew them and clearly they had loyal, caring and loving friends that would watch over them, they would come around. Meanwhile, those of Gryffindor and Ravenclaw were shocked at how easily it was for the two groups of well known Slytherins and Gryffindor-Hufflepuffs to make amends with each other, not knowing their was no conflict in the first place. Maybe there was, but it was forgotten.

The screen brightened up, turning a blinding white, before it dimmed once again, almost as if it had completely shut down. Suddenly it brightened up again, with the pouring of rain and a Crack! of lightning.

The first years and a few older students and professors jumped at the sound, not expecting it. Thankfully, the ghosts (Peeves) were in their paintings and couldn't scare the shit out of anyone.

The screen zoomed in to show wet roads and pavements, flickering street lights and a cloaked group under umbrellas. They passed by multiple buildings which were all blurred but came to a stop in front of the largest building of all. 

The gates were rusty, the words 'New York Institute' barely visible over the amount of vines and debris wrapped tightly around the gate, "Are you sure this is the right place, Cissa? There's no way she's giving birth in this dump." A man, hidden by a black umbrella spoke, his british accent thick with disgust at the sight of the abandoned building.

Whoever the woman was, she remained quiet as another man, dressed in all black dropped his umbrella, revealing black hair, tanned skin and a viscous smirk. He pushed open the gate, wincing at the creaking sound. "This ain't no dump. You just can't see it, wizard." the unknown man spat, the heavy rain drops soaking his hair and well crafted body.

As the camera was about to zoom in on his face, the screen went blank for a split second before lighting up again, showing the group looking around a large castle like building, ancient walls and carved posts and all. The people froze, their heads looking up and the words,

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