- Family Reunions -

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"...Hi..." the nervous red-head breathed out as she gripped her brothers' hands for dear life. Very rarely was she nervous, as she had very little reason to be. However, the girl wasn't the happiest with the plan that they had come up with. She would be forced to face her biological parents. They would see all that she has done and she wasn't ready for the heart break that came with unacceptance. 

"Hi." a very bored Rabastan Lestrange replied, surprisingly earning a fond smile from the red-head and her companions. "I guess it's only natural that we start with introductions before we explain how this is going to work." after several years of living with the Americans, the British groups' accents quickly faded and blended with the American one.

Glancing at a messy, raven haired boy, the heterochromia eyed girl stepped back. Sighing, he walked forward, winking at one of the darkly dressed men from the group on the left, earning him a smirk.

"Harry Jameson Potter-Black, biological son of James Potter and blood adopted son of Sirius Black" this gained a stunned silence, exactly what the snake in disguise wanted, before a large grin etched onto his features, "Oh, and dad?" James Potter stood immediately, an eager look on his face, "YOU GOT EVANS!!" the younger Potter boy yelled, jumping up and down like a five year old.

"I call godfather!!" Remus blurted out and promptly started arguing with Peter about who was going to be the godfather and why.

Happiness overtook Jameson as he laughed in joy, jumping around, much like his son, "I GOT EVANS! I GOT EVANS!" echoing throughout Hogwarts as the rest of the marauders cheered on their friend and brother. Lily blushed heavily as James ran over to her and engulfed her in his arms, spinning her around, giggles escaping her as well.

Sirius was simply happy he didn't have to fight with the love of his life over who would be godfather because Merlin knows that's exactly what he was going to do before he heard he was also one of Harry's dads. He wondered why though.

"Alright, alright, Potters! Let's get on with this!" a beautiful, curly haired brunette scolded, quieting down the new couple and their son for the time being. "Hermione Jean Granger, muggle born." she smiled softly, not even bothering with the rude comments and expressions of disgust.

"Ginerva Molly Weasley, I prefer Ginny though. Only daughter and favorite child of Arthur Weasley and Molly Prewett." she smiled cheekily at the shocked looks of her parents.

The same twins from before stood forward this time, winking at their sister, "Gred Fideon Weasley- Friggason" one twin started, "and Forge Gabian Weasley- Friggason. " the other Weasley finished, cackling at the confused expressions of everyone that didn't actually know them. "Adopted sons of Loki Friggason." questions arose but were ignored.

"Neville Frank Longbottom, son of Alice Fortescue and Frank Longbottom." the curly haired boy spoke quietly and shyly but due to the stunning silence, he was heard fairly well. His mother blushed heavily as her Gryffindor boyfriend grinned at her suggestively.

The same red-head that greeted them first stepped forward, red lips stretched into a breathtaking smile. With more grace than most princesses, she stepped forward, "Laura Rose Adara Narcissa Potter-Black-Malfoy. Biological daughter of James Potter and Lily Evans, adoptive daughter of Lucius Malfoy and Narcissa Black, blood adopted daughter of Regulus Black."

"I CALL GODFATHER THE REST OF YOU CAN FUCK OFF!!" Sirius and Severus screamed out, at the top of their lungs, earning Severus shocked looks whilst Lily and Lucius only smiled, nodding. James merely stared blankly at the red-headed girl. Regulus, however, was practically vibrating with joy at the sight of her. Even from a distance, he could see she get his stormy grey eyes with a flicker of white in it, symbolizing Malfoy. She clearly had Lily's green eye. She was perfect, he thought.  

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