An Eye Opening Coversation

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Ashleigh finally decided to meet her sister. So we need to finally tell Anastasia about the kidnapping of her sister. We had conversations about whether or not to tell her about this situation but decided to keep it from her so she wouldn't live in fear of being kidnapped. Luckily we had kept things quiet so we only had to worry about a few articles and videos about the kidnapping. Raymond handled that because I was a basket case and slept beside Anastasia and Raymond just had her bed brought into our room. The other crib was left empty and it was better for me not to see it. I needed to be strong for Anastasia.
Seeing Ashleigh and the scars and how thin she is breaks both our hearts. We wanted to reach out to hug her but she couldn't allow us out of fear of being hurt again. The scars apparently were more than physical. The files they had were substantial on not only her, but those who kidnapped her and the ones who bought her and held her hostage. I look at the files they gave us and think of how to handle this. I have ideas. Carla has worse ones because of who was involved in it. I don't want Carla involved in what I plan to do in case it backfires. I found out that Frank Lambert had a hand in all of this, but his conspirators decided on a new game plan and they pretty much used his plan and changed the ending by selling his daughter and taking all the ransom. Things didn't go well for him after they crossed him, he was in a pickle as he had made certain promises and they weren't kept. He was found dead laying in pickle juice from a glass pickle jar laying in the blood coming from his throat. Guess working in that kitchen wasn't a good idea after all. They kept count of the sharp instruments but forgot about the glass jars. I knew he was dead, but not how and not that he was the initiator of the kidnapping. I see where they know the location of Elena and Richard Lincoln. I also see where the people that held Ashleigh hostage were found in their home in chains after a report from the neighbors. They are alive and lucky to be alive. I see a police report that they didn't see who had chained them up. The police were suspicious anyway, because of the rooms they had found them in. They are still investigating the home and the couple. They are in the wind at this point. There are no pictures of them at all. Which is very strange. We arrange a dinner to tell Anastasia about her sister.
Mom and dad need to talk to me so they arrange a dinner with me. They are bringing to my apartment which is good since I had Elmer fixed so she couldn't have kittens. She drove me crazy when she went into heat last week. The vet told me to wait until she calmed down and bring her in and he could get it done after hours if need be. I think he has a crush on me, but I am just not into the type. He is smart but I like taller men like my dad. Dr Joseph Parks is hot don't get me wrong, but I suspect his receptionist is in love with him. Can't get involved in that scenario. So I tell him that I don't have time to date because my work keeps me quite busy. Writing books is a demanding job. Anyway my parents arrive and in the middle of the meal I can't wait any longer and ask what's wrong. They look at each other then pull out an old photo. This a photo of two babies side by side in what looks like one of those things they use in the hospital. I see Anastasia Steele and my birthdate and the other one I see Ashleigh Steele the same birthdate as me.
I tell Anastasia that she is an identical twin and Ashleigh was kidnapped. We paid the ransom but never got her back. We have been looking for her ever since the day she was taken without any success. We have recently found her. We explain everything that we know and we decide to tell her everything and she is upset but after explaining that we were afraid that she would also be taken do that is why we have security on her all the time now.
They decide to explain everything and tell me she isn't ready to meet me yet. They aren't sure when she will see them or me. Sad thing is that she has been in Seattle almost a year and she has a good position and she is scared to meet us again. An attorney set up the meeting for her to meet them. Everything is left in her hands as to whether she wants anything to do with us. Mom tells me she was at my last book signing and they could show me the videos of her. I look at them and she looks so scared and very thin and it's then I see the scars on her neck as she is looking at me. It looks like she saw the cameras and ran out of the book store. Which mom runs after her and I see the scars on her wrists as she hid and watched until she could run from her hiding spot. Someone was following her and a car picks her up and they drive off down the block and away from all of us. Just then the ghosts make their presence known. This time the noise bothers Elmer and she runs toward the emergency exit stair case that ends next to my apartment. Dad goes and looks and finds nothing at all. I tell them to try to get a meeting with her if they can. I figure she will want to meet with us out of curiosity alone.

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