Moving Day

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We signed everything and her cat Elmer was having fun with the ghosts. They were throwing balls and she was chasing them. Elmer is a very pampered cat. We sign the papers and hand over the check and I add Kate to the title work. We are getting married in three months. Christian and Anastasia have been keeping their marriage quiet for now. Especially after Leila had again broken into Escala. They kept that detail out of the newspapers. Especially that she passed away in the apartment. They couldn't figure out how her neck was broken because it just wasn't feasible that she fell downstairs. The black mark was a mystery. I think the ghost had something to do with it.
Christian married shocked me and married to Anastasia and Elliott married to her twin sister blows my mind. You can see the differences in them both physically and personality wise. Ashleigh is thinner and she has a few scars that are still apparent on her. Mom is assuring her half of everything after seeing the announcement in our own newspaper. Dad has gone too far. I am glad I am not having to be in the home that will soon be appraised along with everything else. I grabbed all my things and, well the movers got all my things from my parents home including all my gifts from my parents including various vehicles and paintings. I made sure mom gave me my jewelry back as well as my expensive sho3s, gowns and purses. Some were gifts from suitors. Some were gifts from dad's cronies with hopes to becoming suitors. They were hoping I was like my father, no way and I told them that before I accepted their expensive gifts to assure it was a well intentioned gift containing no expected ties from me in return. Some tried to take the items back, but dad prevented it and said he would assure their wives would find out about their mission of misdeeds towards me. I was a minor at the time which didn't sit well with anyone.
Moving Kate's things took priority due to her parents divorce. Both Kate and Ethan had to hire their own attorney's to protect their shares in Kavanagh Media. Both Ethan and Enid sold Their shares to GEH and Christian owns fifty percent of Kavanagh Media now. The divorce went through very quickly leaving Eamon in dire straights financially. Apparently Enid really read her prenuptial agreement, but Eamon just thought his parents would write it in favor of him. He had no idea that he would be stripped of it if he cheated on Enid and any offspring not born of his marriage and born of Enid would not inherit or receive any part of Kavanagh Media and is subsidiaries. Enid gave her children copies of all the legal documents so they were armed if their was a battle. There was no battle, because Eamon admitted to defeat when DNA testing proved he had six illegitimate children in Seattle. Their homes were sold and the money from the sales was divided four ways. Kate, Ethan and Enid got their share and the mother got the fourth part. The only place not sold was the family estate and it went to Enid. Again a prenuptial clause. Eamon was basically an employee by the time he was stripped of everything Christian kept him at the helm as CEO, but he had to keep his flings off the property otherwise he could easily replace him. Kate had originally been angry about him keeping Eamon as CEO, but when she heard about him placing a clause in his employment contract basically setting him up to be terminated. Working for him and Ray I have found out a lot about both of them. Each has his own way of assuring the people that needs protecting are protected. Enid is a close friend of Grace Grey and his mother put him onto the situation and hope his intervention works for all concerned especially Kate, Enid and Ethan. The mother of the other young Kavanagh is very vindictive and manipulative. She cut her nose off to spite her face releasing everything she knew and the other illegitimate children. Now that they are confirmed it is an all out battle for child support and inheritance and trust funds. Eamon is living in his office now.
Dad wanted to move in with me but I can't let him without betraying my mom and my sister. My girlfriend told me if I do she will break up with me and I can't have that happen. Plus Stephanie can assure the bruises won't be seen. She works for Collin Shaeffer. Stephanie Cooper looks like a super model, but under all those clothes she wears on the job she is deceptively feminine. It is muscle and she keeps it all  moisturized. She can lift me up, she won't flip me for fear she could hurt me seriously. So I go watch her train Anastasia and a few other young women in self defense. Alice Daniels is anther of the female body guards he has on staff. He is in the process of hiring more female body guards to provide more protection covertly in the areas where his male staff can't go inside. Right now her and Alice are rotating protecting the new mrs Grey AKA as Anastasia Steele Grey. I was being pulled between mom and dad on my shares of Kavanagh Media and subsidiaries. Kate and I sold our shares along with mom to Christian Grey. Dad had no choice but to sell his shares to satisfy his baby mamas. Six siblings that we are sure are our half siblings. They won't be able to get our share money from the sale of the company. The homes sales was another thing, three of the mothers were smarter than dad thought. They insisted everything was put in their names. The other three had to either sell their half or buy their half. They bought their half. Apparently they were very aware of what might happen and they sold all the expensive gifts and hid the money just in case. After they found out he was married and who he was they made sure they got theirs from him.

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