The Carter's

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I watch as Mia plays with the newest Grey family members and I think about reversing my vasectomy just for her. I had kept that piece of information from her, but we have had no conversation about children and now I see her playing with her nephews I think about her and what she might want.
Aaron and I have never spoken about children and he has a pensive look on his face. He starts talking and the key word is vasectomy and then he had one done and he has checked into having it undone if I want children. I am unsure what to think, but I told him I would think about it and we would discuss it further after I decide what to think about him not telling me about it prior to marrying me.

I found out that the bomb was meant for the man who canceled his reservation at the last moment and I ended up with the suite he had already paid for for two weeks I look at the receipt and see it was in the name Charles Watkins CEO of Watkins Distribution International. Luckily the suite was empty and everyone was enjoying the beaches, so no one was killed. So it wasn't anyone after me and my family. I breathe easier after my intel tells me who might be after Watkins. I check further into everything and something catches my eyes. The Cortez name on the staff members uniform. I recall his face he is a policeman who had Leila in custody, he was attacked and Leila had gotten free from his custody. Injuries were minor but in need of m3ducal treatment. I look up his history Carlos Cortez was never an SPD officer. I check things and it turns out he is Connie James kidnapped grandchild and not very good at keeping custody of prisoners. I am very worried about this and starting to think Abbott James was there but had nothing to do with the bombing. He was tracking his kidnappers and Watkins made his fortune very suspiciously. He had very few photos on line. Just as I am looking at a photo of Abbott James I get a call from Connie James. We discuss a few things and I see how things could look and how they really are.
Things have happened and security was tightened up big time. Collin has finally relaxed and his time with us has been extraordinary and we are all enjoying it. The children are doing well and the house is calmer after a few phone calls Collin took.
Abbott James
My last appearance as a SPD officer was at a crime scene that ended the lives of parents of twins. We discovered them in the safe room they had recently had built. I have no doubts this couple were targeted by a baby kidnap ring. The way they went through the house they were looking for the babies. The crime scene was very strange. We got there after a panic alarm went off. I made sure to get the babies out of there and to a caseworker who would assure they were safe. This time it wasn't about ransom money and I started digging quietly. That's when I found out about a trust fund that Watkins had set up for any and all members of a certain Eduardo and Isabella Cortez the legitimate Cortez family that now only has twins left alive. I look into the heirs of the Watkins and it turns out they have one son Nathan and he has been missing after he ran away after trying to kill his parents. Connie has been worried about me since the bombing and I was nearly caught pretending to be a cop. Grandma misses Leila but she knew her and knew that she was destined to die violently. She just kept getting worse. The reason the Watkins didn't make it to their suite was about the Cortez couple, they came back and attempted to assure their safety but were too late. Nathan Watkins fingerprints were all over the place and he was arrested finally. He had paid for the bomb to be placed in the suite, but didn't find an expert. Soon they arrested the bomber and he turned over everything to the cops to get lesser years.
Ebelle Watkins
I watch as my husband is being rushed to the hospital and I am being driven to the hospital behind the ambulance. I get to the er just in time for them to declare my husband dead.
Three days later the funeral was quite odd, people I had never met want to talk business with me. I have no clue about my husbands business. The will is also quite odd. There are trust funds that are going to a set of twin boys. I never knew anything other than a member of my husbands platoon saved his life and my husband left money in trust funds for the family of the guy who saved him. He told me only certain people know the twins identity and they are already controlling it to assure the twins were killed like their parents and their grandparents. Nathan was left an old cabin in the woods and I was left the Watkins companies. I was left with two homes and ten cars. Half of our cash was left to Sandra Wilson of the Wilson company. It goes to explain that it is what the company owes her along with ten patents we had to turn over and stop production on completely. I can't keep the company so I sell it to the Wilson company and they pay me quickly and I sell our homes and head to Maryland to live my life quietly.
I buy most of the Wilson estate from Ebelle and within two months she is gone and I have heard a few stories as to the trust funds for the twin babies and how it came about. She showed us photos and I recognized the twins as the recently adopted twins. Elliot and Timothy Grey are the twins in the photos. I hand these to Elliott and Ashleigh and Ebelle sends me all the photos they found at the parents home. Somehow she was able to get all of them and asked me to forward 5hem onto their adopted family. She left after she gave it all to me.

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