Anastasia And Christian Grey

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I need to go back home because there is an issue that needs my attention. I let Ray know we are coming back. He tells me that Shaeffer is moving to Seattle and he has his top people trying to find Leila. We are packed and my staff starts cleaning our room as soon as we finish packing to insure we haven't left anything here.
I need to get Elmer from dad and we need to have people check out our apartments. Gail and Jason are back from their vacation and I have sent in my latest rewrites on my new book. We have had an enjoyable time and for the most part we were alone except for breakfast and dinners. We need alone time. I am glad they agreed to the beach rotation. We got our day and it was wonderful. We left right after breakfast and David and Sandra flew back with us leaving his jet and pilot for another week for everyone else.
I have successfully gotten into Anastasia's apartment via a vent. That was huge and lead into the air conditioning that was not connected. It looked like whoever replaced the old system updated the heating and cooling system. They were lax in removing and sealing the old vents and I discovered it when I escaped a few times. I watched to make sure no one was here and I was right. So I go inside and find some clothing and use the shower and head to find food. I spot an envelope with money inside it. It was hidden in a drawer in her office. It looked to be five thousand dollars. It turns out it was five thousand dollars. I find a photo copy green card in a locked drawer and a copy of a birth certificate both in the name of the last name of Cortez. That is the last name of my twin brother who was helping me until now. I see a box of bullets but no gun. I hear some very odd noises and I look around and see absolutely nothing when I looked out and walked to where the noise came from. Suddenly something flew at my head. It was like it was flying through the air. I ducked but something else came flying at me. That hit and the next thing hit me as well. I hear someone telling me that if I want to live I need to leave the way I came and I better put the things back that I took or I would not make it out of the apartment alive. I start to run but something was stopping me from leaving. I hear you don't listen do you?
Male Ghost
I grab her and choke her until she knows my intentions and she drops the things she tried to take with her. My wife and I were killed by our ungrateful children had murdered my wife and I during a dispute over us not paying for certain things they both wanted from us. I was done but my lovely wife wasn't about to allow this girl go free.
Female Ghost
Just as she drops her treasures from her visit. I throw the iron skillet so it hits her in such a way that it breaks her neck. I watch as my husband picks up the mess as I check and see the young woman's soul is dragged away by dark figures. She is begging for our help, earth bound souls typically are here for either good reasons or bad reasons. So far we have not been bad until this person started invading our space and now we felt she was a threat to our visiting friends Anastasia and Elmer. Their time here is nearing an end we will miss them, but we will have new guests soon. It was all set in motion by the young woman dead on the floor. We place things back where they belong and make it look like she had an accident and broke her neck. I couldn't get the black and blue off her neck though. Let the person doing the autopsy figure that out. They might recall this place is haunted. I set the alarms off so the apartment manager can find the body before it stinks the place up.
Policeman Davis
I arrive at Escala and find a dead young woman and called the coroner to come take her away. We finally discovered where the young woman got inside the apartment and her name was found using the latest mobile fingerprint scanner. Leila Williams won't be escaping now. At least I hope not as I hear a spooky laugh and no one was in the apartment but me as I assure the apartment is closed up tightly. The alarm is reset and we will need the manager and his video surveillance from all their cameras.
I went to Anastasia's apartment and identified the dead body as Leila Williams. I sense something or someone watching me and I hear the ghosts and they say what I am thinking. She died at her own hands by doing so many bad things it all came back to bite her in the ass. I hate seeing life snuffed out so young, but it was going to end up with someone dead, better the person trying to kill than the victim she is trying to kill. I hear soft whispering and no one was around yet again. I am glad Anastasia is selling this apartment. Luckily people have a bizarre interest in haunted places and this one is definitely that. Elmer will miss her friends but she might find new ones. Anastasia get used to them living here and just moved her things back where she wanted them. It was funny to watch as we left the room and ten minutes later it was back where it was before she moved it from. At first we thought it was just our imagination, but there is no way it could happen so often. So it was ghosts.

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