A Baby Machine

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We have had to do IVF and Aaron reversed his vasectomy and we had to finally do something and we did. Mom and dad were worried about this and now I am laying in a hospital bed for the last few months of my pregnancy. We have five growing humans so far they are okay. All are being closely monitored along with me. Mom comes by daily to assure I am okay Aaron has had to fly out to several places to see patients. Dr Greene has transferred me to a specialist that deals with multiple births. Aaron fainted when he saw the ultrasound of our five babies. We are on the list for adopting as well.
I hate having to be away from Mia but I have several long surgeries on the east coast it is to help several blind people see with cornea replacements. There are time constraints so I have to stay on the east coast until they are all replaced. Mom mother in law is looking out for Mia. Mia and I FaceTime her daily. She shows me her pregnant belly and she is nearly ready to pop the babies out of the oven. I promise I will be back in a week.
I am watching over Mia to assure she has a safe delivery of these babies. Aaron is going to be back soon. Dr Adam Devlin walks in and brings an ultrasound machine to look over his littlest patients.
Dr Adam Devlin
I come in and Mia is resting but her mother is sitting here keeping her daughter company. I start doing the ultrasound so we can check on the babies all five seem healthy so far. At 34 weeks we might be delivering the babies in a week or so. Mia is tall but thin and she pretty much can't afford to move much at this point. As we are checking her over her labor hits hard and her water breaks. We call the team in immediately. Grace stands in for her son in law. She is frantically calling him with no success. Mia has been trying to keep these little ones safe and we had to give her drugs to get their lungs help for the early delivery and we are hopeful they will all survive.
I can't believe how quickly five babies were delivered all are in incubators and on oxygen so far they are surviving. Aaron made it an hour after I was taken to recovery. The babies have been placed in the NICU and I have seen photos and videos as well of the babies. Dr Devlin and his group of doctors including ones specializing in preemie multiple births.
I went to keep an eye on the five babies for Mia and report back to her. Two had to have CPR but they came back quickly. The first 24 hours are the worst for ant preemie. Aaron finally arrived to see his five babies laying in bassinets with tubes and looking so tiny. They took them so quickly I didn't get their weights and lengths. They were busy getting them checked over.
The ups and downs of having five preemies causes a lot of emotional stress. We finally were able to bring the babies home two months later. Baby monitors and nurses and doctors on call all the time. Mannies and nannies with medical training. Christian helped get the best along with well trained security for the babies. Our whole family helped. Aaron came home the next day after the babies were born. Unfit was when two of the babies had to have resuscitation. I was only told these things afterward and I stayed in the NICU and watched my babies mom assured me they would be okay. They were finally able to be put on minimal oxygen and taken off the feeding tubes and we held them as much as we could. The staff changed and cleaned the babies until we could do both safely. We had help holding them at first. Our family were finally able to visit and hold them in the regular nursery. Everyone was very supportive and Aaron and I are rethinking that vasectomy. Five of everything was ready and waiting at our home. Elliott brought a crew in and all our family was very generous in time and money to get things ready for us at home. I have just enough time to shower, eat, sleep and get back into shape.
Five babies survived and we gave them names once I was able to get to the hospital. Hailey Grace 3 pounds 1 oz 11 inches, Austin David 3 pounds 6 oz 14 inches, Robert Elliott 3 pounds 8 oz 14 inches, Elizabeth Ann 4 pounds 13 inches and the biggest of the babies and the healthiest Aaron Edward Carter 4 pounds 2 oz 15 inches. It took us three hours of back and forth to name our five babies. We have things all organized and ready for their arrival home. Transportation was a nightmare but family helped with that as well. It is nice to have a lot of people helping us. I told Mia the vasectomy will be on the to do list and she agreed. During her six week no touch time is when I got it done. My schedule has been very hectic and I am traveling all over the world. A few places I had to be quarantined before I could be in the house with our babies. Mia was very distraught and thinking the babies were not bonding with me at all. Her mother came up with an idea of using smells of me from clothing and pillows they have somehow put in their cribs so they will be familiar with my smell. Mia is staying strong and I finally am able to be around my babies with face masks and sterile gowns and gloves. It took a month before I could actually hold my babies. They have grown quite a bit. I have sent my replacement to any out of country surgeries. My being near my babies right now is important.

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