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Instead of going back to the Academy, Jade had Five give the driver directions to her apartment building. It wasn't that far away, but she knew they wouldn't be bothered there. Nobody but Pogo knew where she lived.

She paid the driver in cash, mentally thanking her past self for decided to stuff a few bills into the pocket of her blazer that morning.

"How long have you been living here?" Five asked quietly as she lead him up the stairs. She glanced over to see him looking around warily. It's true that it was definitely a downgrade compared to the Academy, but it was cheap, and close to work.

"We all left a little after Ben died, except for Luther. Diego was first, when we were 17. Klaus went next, and then Allison. I didn't decide to leave until Vanya did. We were 19." She lead him down the hallway of the fifth floor, stopping in front of unit 508. "Truthfully, I think I wanted to leave as soon as Ben died. But I was afraid. I didn't think I'd be able to live a normal life, away from the Academy."

Five stood silently as she pulled her key out of her pocket. Just as she was about to put it into the lock, the door across from hers opened, and a little old man stepped out.

"Owner of that unit hasn't been home for days, kids. Go sell cookies somewhere else." 

Though it was her apartment, Jade jumped as if she had been caught doing something bad. Her keys fell to the ground, and when she bent down to pick them up, the old man got a good look at her face.

"Miss Hargreeves?" 

Slowly, Jade turned to face her neighbour, grimacing when she saw the look on his face. She had no idea how she was going to explain this. Just as his mouth opened to speak, Five cut in.

"She's a, uh, different Miss Hargreeves." He smiled, trying to seem as innocent as possible. "We're Jade's cousins. She asked us to pick some things up for her."

"Huh. You look just like her." The old man studied Jade's face. She stood perfectly still, like if she made any sudden movements, he would see through the lie. His gaze shifted to Five, and he raised a brow.

"I'm... adopted." 

The two stood, smiling stiffly as her neighbour examined them. Then, he simply nodded, before walking off down the hallway toward the stairs.

Jade let out a breath as Five looked down the hall to make sure he had gone. She finally unlocked her door, opening it up for Five to walk in before her.

"Friend of yours?" He glanced around the small studio, taking it all in before his eyes drifted back to Jade as she hung her keys on a hook by the door.

"Tony. I walk his dog for him sometimes." She took a quick look around her apartment. Everything was exactly the way she left it. The kettle was still on the stove and her bed was still unmade. She noticed the crack in the middle of her TV, and bit her lip slightly. "Welcome to my home."

As she walked off into the bathroom to rummage through her cabinet, Five took a closer look around the place.

Her bookshelf was full of books. He noticed some books that they had read together as kids, and on one of the shelves, Vanya's book was displayed in a case. On one of the bottom shelves, there was a stack of DVD cases. He recognized them as films that Allison had been in.

There were photos of their siblings hanging above her bed. Most of them had been taken by Ben, since the only photos Reginald ever had taken of them were the family portraits. On her bedside table, there was a framed photo of Five that he didn't even know existed. 

It was of him laying underneath the oak tree in the garden, one arm propped behind his head. His eyes were closed as if he was sleeping. It looked like it was taken the year he disappeared.

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