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When Jade awoke the next morning, she was once again greeted by an empty room. Her blazer had been placed over her like a blanket, and her shoes were off, placed neatly next to her feet. She also noticed that the duffle bag containing Delores was no longer sitting on the windowseat.

Sighing softly, she pulled herself to her feet, sliding her feet into her shoes and throwing her blazer over her arm.

She trudged to her room in order to change into a clean uniform, and let out a soft breath when she heard movement in Five's bedroom across the hall. Good to know he didn't just up and leave this time.

She was still tying her tie as she crossed the hall into Five's room, and her hands froze as she took in the sight of her best friend, messy-haired and bloody, struggling to stitch up a wound on his arm. Her tie was abandoned, half-knotted, as she rushed over to Five, signing frantically.

"Let me do it, you idiot." She examined the wound, realizing that he must've been grazed by a bullet during last night's shootout. "Why didn't you say anything last night?"

"Good morning, Jade." He cooed, smiling cheekily as she huffed and took the needle from his hands.

They were quiet as Jade continued to stitch up his wound. It seemed like this was something that they were both used to, and it made Five wonder what exactly she had been through in the time he had been gone. She seemed... tougher. 

She used to hate going on missions when they were kids. She hated the fighting, and she hated having to use her powers. She hated whenever one of them got hurt. So much so that the night after every mission was spent crying in Five's room, wishing that she would never have to do it again.

Now, with all of the fights that Five has been dragging her into, she hasn't backed down. She hasn't complained once, and she even took care of him afterwards. It's like she's more protective. More responsible.

Five had realized that he wasn't the only one who had changed while he was gone.

He was snapped out of his thoughts when Jade grabbed the box of bandages he had brought up from downstairs, and audibly snorted.

"You know there are actual bandages in the med room, right?" She signed as she plucked one out of the box, shaking her head.

"I like Billy the Choo Choo." Five smiled as she gently cleaned the dried blood around his cut before placing the bandage on, kissing the tip of her fingers, and then pressing them to his arm. "It's good that you're already dressed. We're going somewhere."

Jade wiped her hands clean as Five got up, pulling a fresh shirt, vest, and blazer from his wardrobe.


"We need to surveil MeriTech. That eye is going to be made in the next couple of days, and we need to catch whoever gets it as soon as possible." He replied, shrugging the shirt onto his shoulders and buttoning it up. 

Jade nodded, continuing to tie her tie. As Five continued to get dressed, she went down the hall to grab some snacks from their hideout. Two-bite brownies and fruit gummies- bless you, Pogo.

Five was pulling his blazer on just as she got back. As she put the snacks into the duffle bag(waving a small hello to Delores) and zipped it up, Five opened up the window.

"Ready to go?" He came and grabbed the duffle bag, taking it back over to the open window. When he looked back at Jade, she was standing still, dumbfounded.

"We have a front door."  She frowned.

"Too many questions." He rebutted, clearly talking about their siblings. Jade heard sounds coming from below the window and then a frustrated voice.

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