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Reaching the warehouse where the fight was supposed to be held today, I put on my mask before exiting my car

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Reaching the warehouse where the fight was supposed to be held today, I put on my mask before exiting my car. The two security guards at the entrance took one look at my mask under the fluorescent bulb and rushed to open the gates and let me in. I smirked under my mask, it was always so easy.

Walking inside to the back rooms, I took a seat, setting my bag down. Taking off my jacket I was left in a tank top and sweats. The scars on my arms were on clear display, but it didn't matter here, if you're in a street fighting den, it is a default for people to think you have scars.

Taking the tape from my bag I started to wrap my hands when one of the organisers came inside. His head bowed as he spoke, "Widow, your match starts in 5 minutes." I nodded in response and the man scurried away.

I step out of the room and walk up to the ring. The crowd had gone silent in my presence. I already know that a lot of money has been put on me winning, and well...I would hate to disappoint the crowd.

Stepping into the ring I faced my opponent, he was a bulky man, towering over me. One quick look at his posture was enough to tell me his weakness. The man was way too cocky about himself, clear from the fact that his eyes kept flashing over to the crowd. His slight tilt to his left side made it clear that that was the side he preferred in a fight.

The announcer introduced us to the crowd, cheers from the crowd started, the bell rang and the match finally began. I never make the first move in a fight. Apparently my opponent seems to be working on the same technique but unlike me he seems to be impatient as well which is why after a minute or so of us circling each other, he steps forward and swings towards me.

I dodge him with ease, side stepping then quickly twisting and punching his right side. His hands immediately went to that side and I took that opportunity to hit him right in the face. The crack of his nose breaking was a satisfying sound to hear.

Now I was in the groove and pumped with adrenaline, I didn't wait for him to get back up, I threw one attack after the other, until I had my thighs wrapped around his head as I choked him until he tapped out.

Leaving the ring breathing heavy I zipped up my jacket again, while the medics tended to my opponent's multiple broken bones, Dimitri came up to me, with the money in hand, "You know you could have let the fight last a little bit longer, people are gonna start getting bored soon." He asked. I took the money, putting it in my bag.

"Stop making me fight with morons like these and I might consider it. до свидания" and with that I left, got into my car and started my drive towards the studio. (Bye)

The house came into view, parking my car nearby, I used my key to enter the house. The stench of drugs hit me immediately, the sound of the tv could be heard from the living room, walking inside I saw Victor laying on the couch. my eyes widened at the sight of the needle sticking out of his arm and the fact that his chest wasn't moving. "fuck fuck fuck" I ran over to him, checking for a pulse but I found nothing. "God dammit." I held my head in my hands, he had one job, everything would have been okay, all he had to do was stay alive.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐒𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋Where stories live. Discover now