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Anastasia's POV

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Anastasia's POV

The moment I walked into school I felt everyone's eyes on me. I guess the word about last night got around. I smirk slightly as I overhear someone tell their friend about me and what I did.

While walking to class I am suddenly pulled into a room, my hand immediately goes to the back of jeans where my blade rests but when I see who is in front of me I relax.

"I'm not too big on threesomes, so you'll both have to take different turns." I said as I took a seat. Quinn gave me a sarcastic smile which I happily returned. While Jeremy laughed.

"That is not why we pulled you in here." Quinn said. "We had some good news actually." I quirk my brow when they don't continue. "Well what is it?"

"Look Quinn told me that you had a bad experience at your brother's party." I turn my gaze towards Quinn, glaring at the girl. "Vaguely." The girl reassured me after seeing my expression.

"Anyway, I just couldn't sit with the thought of you have a bad experience at your first high school party." Jeremy continued. I chose to stay quite and not tell him that I have attended my fare share of high school parties back in Russia. And they got a lot wilder than the ones they have here.

"So I had to pull a few strings, and by that I mean I am doing the homework of about fourteen different people for about a month, but I got us an invite to Damien Ledger's house party."

I scoff, already getting up "Yeah, no thanks." As I heard their protests I stopped on my way to the door. "Look I get the gesture okay. And I am so truly touched, but I am not interested in parties."

Quinn rushed to stop me from exiting the door, her childish efforts made me roll my eyes. "Look just, don't you want to show those bastards that they can't bully into submission. If Damien is throwing a party he is obviously going to invite his best friend, aka your twin brother."

I was intrigued by that perspective, maybe going to a party would show them, truly show them that there is nothing they can do to control me.

I sighed, before I finally caved. "I'll think about it. But no promises." Quinn squealed so loud I was urged to cover my ears. "Yay! I would hug you but I know you don't like that, so... high five!" She said as she held her hand up.

And laughing at her enthusiasm, I gave her the high five. As we left the room Quinn spoke again. "So can I style your hair for the party?"

"Don't push it." "Yes, got it."

Meeting up in our psychology class, Kai and I sat next to each other. While the teacher droned on about Freud, Kai turned to me. "Well, given that I saw your brothers in the hall this morning. I'm assuming you decided not to kill them."

"That a bad thing?" I ask without turning to him but looking at him from my peripheral vision. Kai shook his head, "I'm not quite sure at this point." I look at him finally.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐒𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋Where stories live. Discover now