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I feel like I can claim that I have a decent sense of fashion, I know things that go together and I know what doesn't

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I feel like I can claim that I have a decent sense of fashion, I know things that go together and I know what doesn't.

I may not always be dressed to the nines but I don't necessarily look like an over excited toddler dressing herself for the first time. But right now my brain was just scrambled.

I had been standing in front of my open closet for the past 20 minutes, still in just my bathrobe as I tried to figure out what the hell am I supposed to wear.

It shouldn't have been this hard, I mean I had never before been so worried about what I am going to wear to school.

Usually I would just pair a shirt with blue or black jeans, throw on a jacket over it and be done with it. Right now however, nothing seemed to work together. After what felt like hours of overthinking I settled on a dark grey collared sweatshirt and blue straight jeans along with my boots.

This should look friendly enough hike also dark enough to not drag attention in a negative nor positive way. Before leaving I took out my blades, I did not want to carry as many as I usually did to school so I decided on just three blades that I strapped onto my ankles.

I was just about to leave my room but I stopped, my eyes travelling to the medical bag I had stored in my bedside drawer.

I knew I wouldn't need it, I hadn't needed the pills for a long while now, but this was a new place filled with....teenagers. you can never be too careful around that crowd.

Pocketing the bottle I left the room. Everyone was already present in the living room, Donatello was in his usual spot, on the sofa reading a newspaper while Emilio worked on his computer.

Elisio and Ermes were eating their breakfast, Alvise was...just staring at his cereal with a brooding expression, he was always like that. And Joseph was on his phone, I swear it's like he is addicted to that damn thing.

Plopping down onto the chair alerted the others of my presence. "I'm ready. When are we leaving?" I ask first thing. Wanting to get this day over with already.

"Well, you will leave soon but before that we need to discuss something." My father spoke as he folded up his paper and walked up to the dining table. "What?" I asked, I wasn't a little child, what did he want to even talk to me about?

He motioned for me to take a seat "I just wanted to set some ground rules before you go. Some rules I expect you to follow at school." He said in a serious tone.

"I won't get in detention if that's what you're worried about? I have a pretty great school record." I inform him. He shakes his head though. "That's not what I'm worried about."

"You might have had a good academic record but your teachers weren't the most pleased with you." I roll my eyes at that statement.

"Who said that huh? Was it My math teacher, that Miriam woman, because I sweat to god that bitch has had it out for me since I corrected her calculations in front of the whole class."

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐒𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋Where stories live. Discover now