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Taking the bags from my hands the others went out while I walked towards the restroom, and lo and behold the man followed me

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Taking the bags from my hands the others went out while I walked towards the restroom, and lo and behold the man followed me. Changing up my route I started to walk towards a back employee exit, which from the looks of it was empty. Reaching in the front pocket of my jeans, I grabbed the switchblade inside, keeping it in my hands.

I walk out from the exit and stop. As soon as I hear the door close behind me, I flip the blade out, turning around and slamming the guy onto the wall behind him, the blade resting on his neck. "Who are you?" I ask him, the guy's eyes are wide in fear. "I asked you a fucking question? Who are you?"

The man stuttered out a response "Daniel Smith." i roll my eyes, "what the fuck do you want from me? Who sent you?" "Nobody, man. I just thought you would be easy to take." I groaned in frustration, this asshole had me worried that the Russian mafia had already gotten word of me moving.

I drive the knife through his chest as the man clutches to his chest choking. Wiping my blade off on him, i pull out my phone, calling kai, "ДА?" "Hey, I need a clean up?" I say, getting to the point. "What? Stasia, you have been here for a day? One fucking day." he said, i could clearly hear the exasperation in his voice. "I had to, he followed me." I said as I started to exit the area.

Hearing my statement kai realised that this was out of self defence, well pre self defence in my case i guess. "Mafia?" came the question, "No, some random asshole. I'm at the mall with my brothers. I'm texting you the details. Can you get it done?"

When I got the affirmation from his side I hung up and went up to my brothers.

When we reached home, I took all of my stuff back up to my room and set it all up, putting all of my clothes in my closet, until my eyes caught the sight of a couple of rolled up pieces of paper in one of the bags.

I took one out and unrolled it, my eyes widened in shock as I saw a poster, a nirvana poster, the one I had been eyeing. I open others as well one by one to see that they were all the ones that I had been looking at.

"They're self adhesive." A voice came from behind me and I saw Elisio standing by the door, "What?" I asked, trying to comprehend what had just happened. "They're self adhesive so there's no hassle with the glue and stuff."

"Oh okay." That was all I said, I had wanted to say more, I wanted to thank him, I wanted to say that he should have bought me these, it was a waste of money but I couldn't, not a single word came out of my mouth, instead I just stared at him.

It's not like I wanted to be ungrateful, I was grateful, but...I just didn't have much practise of saying thank you, no one has really done anything so nice for me before.

When I did not say anything more, Elisio gave me one last smile before leaving the room. I finished setting up the rest of my closet and decorating my room with the posters and little trinkets I had picked up.

Looking at it now, it felt like for the first time I was able to express myself freely. I had never really been able to decorate my own room back in Russia, I always wanted to keep my surroundings as impersonal as possible just in case I had to one day flee.

The ringing of my phone catches my attention, seeing Kai's name on it I pick up, "Hey, what's up?"

"We need to meet up tonight? You've got a job." Kai informed, cutting to the chase. "Who?" I asked him. "He works for Petrov. Victor Andreev." Hearing that bastard's name I was already on board.

"And who is it for?"

"Michelle Reece. He took the girls from her orphanage. She wants payback. She's offering 7 million upfront." It didn't take much else for me to agree. "We'll meet at 3. Get my gear ready."

"Yes boss."

The rest of the day goes by in a blur. Assassination jobs always gave such a rush, especially when it was a true scumbag, that gave me the opportunity to really have my fun.

This time though, I knew I had to get the job done fast and quick, if someone working for Petrov was in America then they were on a job and they would definitely have tight security.

Soon the night came, everyone had gone to bed, I made quick work of changing into my uniform, attaching most of my weapons, I clouding my guns and blades. Wearing my leather coat on top I opened my bedroom window.

By now I had familiarised myself with the positions of the security cameras around the house, and the shifts the guards took, I had a very tiny window where the guards would be switching their positions and the cameras would be facing away from me.

I kept an eye on my watch, when the time was just right, I jumped from the window, landing on my feet, making sure to keep low as I escaped. Walking fast I was out of the sight of the house.

A block away Kai was waiting for me in the car. On the way to the location Kai explained to me the logistics of the situation. As we reached Andreev's house, I took of my coat, and attached my mask.

"So the weapon of choice for the night?" Kai asked as he opened the trunk of the car, to reveal my arsenal of weapons. I did always keep a number of weapons on me for these jobs but I usually had one that used for the final blow, one weapon that made the killing shot.

As much as I loved my high tech guns, knives were my one true love. There is not thing more satisfying than being up close with your victim when you drive a weapon into their body.

Guns just always seemed to impersonal to me. Knives of all kinds; swords, blades, pocketknives etc, just always felt so right in my hands.

"My Katana." I spoke, my voice already changed due to my mask, "Kai took the blade out and handed it to me, and I attached it to me back. "So I see we're going with flair tonight." My best friend commented.

I just shrugged, "What can I say, I'm in the mood tonight." Kai laughed lightly. "Well, I'll be waiting for you Natalia." I winked back at him as I walked up to the back of the house.


Another update! This is shorter than my usual ones but I will hopefully be doing another update within this week. Most probably on Wednesday.

So keep an eye out for that!

The little bonding moment between Ana and Elisio! His big brotherliness just shining through!🥰🥰🥰

And Ana finally being able to enjoy the little things in life! My girl has been deprived of so much happiness!🥺🥺

Anyways next chapter is the assassination! Yayyy!!

Love you all!!💕💕✨✨

Love you all!!💕💕✨✨

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