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Anastasia's POV

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Anastasia's POV

There he stood, Donatello De Niro, the leader of the italian mafia, a man feared and respected in the underworld for his ruthlessness and the legal world for his charm and incredibly successful ventures, I was going to a place to live with this man because he was now my legal guardian, well...fuck this man.

I tried to keep my face as neutral as possible as I approached him, alongside him was my new 'brother' he was the oldest of them all as far as I knew. "Hi." I spoke when I was standing right infront of him. "Hi, Anastasia." his voice wavered as he spoke to me, not even noticing Kai beside me. Whatever, his poor guy act is not gonna fucking work, he had sixteen fucking years to get me back and yet he was living his life happily with his family while I was tortured with her. So I don't give one flying shit.

"When do we leave?" I ask bluntly, Emmy was not in front of me anymore, it was just us, 'family' so there was no need to put on an act, at least not the polite little girl one. My question seems to shock Donatello as he looks taken back but he recovers quickly, a small smile still present on his face.

"Right now actually. Also, this is your brother, well one of them, Emilio." my eyes turn to the other man beside my father, also dressed in a suit. He is tall, and bulky. Emilio De Niro, eldest son of the De Niro family, second in line to the mafia and works closely with his father, a known public figure in the hotel industry, a secret boyfriend his family doesn't know about, the quiet but deadly type. I've dealt with him before, not in person but he is easy to take on, a skilled negotiator, I'll give him that but his father is a stubborn stuck up bastard so not much he can do without his approval.

"Sup?" was all I could come up with at the moment, Emilio looks uncomfortable, while I can sense my best friend trying to control his laughter at the sheer awkwardness of this conversation. "Hi Anastasia." he replied, the same way his father did.

"And who might you be?" asked Donatello, his demeanour changing as he addressed Kai, and Kai also stiffened up, his small smile disappearing suddenly as he went into work mode. "Kai Huang, Stasia's best friend." he spoke, Donatello seemed confused as he stuttered out "We weren't aware that someone else would be accompanying you as well."

I rolled my eyes, "He won't, well technically he's just travelling with us. He has family in America, he'll be living with them." That was not true, Kai had an arrangement similar to my initial one, he would not be living with me, that part was true but he would actually be living with one of my workers, for the time being that man was supposed to be his legal guardian but these people didn't need to know that.

Hesitantly my father agreed and all of us ascended the jet. Of course these rich showoffs brought a fucking jet to pick me up. Once inside we started our long journey towards America, as we flew up my eyes travelled out the window and down towards the view of the city below me.

I was leaving all of this, and I might not return for a long time, this place was all I had known for a long time, I mean, I hadn't even stepped out of russia for the longest time, and now I was being flown thousands of miles in the air to a different country to live with literal strangers.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐒𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋Where stories live. Discover now