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I realized that Gab was right about the crest or symbol thing when we arrived at his place after I packed my clothes.

There on the double door was the image I saw on the lock of the box. (A/n if you know what I mean about the door.image at the right or top if you're on mobile.) Inside the circle was an arrow-pierced heart with sayings on the outline.

I've been here a lot of times but I barely look at the enormous door because, well, I'm always excited to go inside and roam around.

It seems a bit awkward for me that the crest actually has a pierced heart on it. And the sayings are in an unrecognizable language. The pierced heart is a bit corny for me. Why a heart though? I'm gonna ask Gab that question later.

We enter the house, i mean mansion. It's so big.(a/n that's what she said. Loljk)

This mansion contains 113 rooms, bathrooms not included. That is why I am always excited to come here. I could sleep everywhere, even the floor because it's carpeted. And there are a lot of guest rooms. But i choose to sleep at Gab's room. Always.

This mansion is not the touch-anything-and-it-will-break type. Instead, it's more of a cozy type because Mina, Gab's mom is a minimalist. That's why it looks grand and cozy at the same time.

"Let's go upstairs." Gab said.

"Where's Mina and John?" I ask him about his parents.

"Mom is at the kitchen and dad is, erm, I don't really know. Maybe at the office." He replied.

We went up the stairs and in his room. I went to unpack my clothes at a certain closet. Yes, I have a closet for when I come here.

After, I unpack I see Gab laughing crazily.

"Why are you laughing? You sound like a pig!" I tell him.

"I was reminiscing and I remember that time when you were lost in here. I was watching you through the CCTV cameras and you look like a lost puppy." Then he rolled in laughter again.

I smiled at the memory. And the inner me glowed because of my bestfriend's beautiful laugh.

"It's not like you do not have an embarrassing moment!" I retorted.

He cocks his eyebrows, "State one!"

I think for a while. There was this time that he got a C- when he was expecting an B. Well, that's not really embarrassing.

"See there's none." He said.

"Wait. I remember something! Remember in 11th grade? When you asked this blonde girl-what was her name? Oh Lizzie.- if you can take her out on a date. And she was like, 'uhh, I'm sorry. Aren't you gay?'" I snorted and laughed at the thought.

His face became red again and he buried his face on the mountain of pillows.

I was laughing so hard that I didn't notice my phone ringing until Gab pointed it out.

It was a blocked number.

"Hello?" I said.

"Good afternoon is this Ms. Angeline Sales?"

"Yes. Why?" I asked

"This is the state hospital and your father was in an accident. We wanted to inform you because Mrs. Sales was not answering her phone." She stated and I was in complete shock.

Tears cascaded down my cheeks.

"Mam? Are you still there?" She asked

"Uhh- yes. I'm coming." I said through shaking lips and hung up.

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