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A/n I can't read the comments(if there's some) someonehelp me. Luvvvvv, Mau
In the past week, everything changed. My father's dead. It sounds so foreign. The word dead. It feels like that word defines how people feel when they say it. Dead. They feel dead. And that's how I feel.

That's not the only change. I have a new apartment downtown. Somewhere far from the suburbs I've grown up to. Somewhere far from the memories, dreadful memories my mom has brought upon me and my dad.

I just finished flourishing my apartment but I won't be sleeping here tonight. Because tonight I'm going to Switzerland with Gab. Gab who is always there for me. Through thick and thin. He's the bestfriend anyone would want. And I love him for everything he's doing. Recently, he has become more loving and dear. I fear that he's going to be taken away from me. I can't live without him. Especially now that he's the only family I have left. I never knew my other relatives except the social climber aunts that I never want to see anymore. After them, I said to myself that I don't want to know any other people from that side.

My apartment is mint green dubbed with some white. I kept it simple. Bringing only the furnitures at home that have a sentimental value. I have 2 rooms, a kitchen, a living room and all the necessities. It's more of a condominium actually. And it's in the top floor, the penthouse.

I already sold the house and I got a large amount of money from it. It sold out so fast because many people like the area of the house. And the house is not that big, fit for making a family. The couple who bought it were newlyweds. They were so cute.

I check the clock. Gab should be arriving any minute now. I gather my belongings and sit at the sofa while watching TV and scrolling on my twitter feed. A notification showed. A text from Gab saying he's going up. He has not seen my apartment because I kept it secret for a while.

A knock on the door indicated that Gab has arrived. I open the door,'welcome to my humble abode.' I said with a kiss on his cheek.

'It's so cute right? I asked. Hoping that he likes it.

'I didn't know you could design like this. Maybe get interior designing after our euro trip. Speaking of, what program are you going to get? I know you've been dying to go to New York or Los Angeles.' He asks. I have been deciding to go to New York or Los Angeles because I always go to either of the two every summer. And i really like the feel of both of the states.

'It's hard to decide but I'm thinking of Fashion?.Maybe modeling too. And yeah, LA or NY. I don't know though.' I answer. There's a glimmer of hope in my eye because I want him to come with me in New York or LA because I know I can't do it without him. He's my only family now.

'I don't know. Law or Medicine. Those are my choices.' He answered. My shoulders slumped. I know that the best schools for those programs are not in LA or NY. It's Yale or Harvard or Stanford. He must have seen my reaction because he hugged me.

'Don't worry. We won't leave each other's sides. As long as we live we'll stick by each other.' He said with a toothy smile.

'How about when you have your own family? Your own wife? Me with my own family and husband?' I ask. He's my bestest friend and I don't know what to do without him.

His smile faded and his eyes turned dull. It seems like he wasn't kin to the idea of either of us getting married.

'Why?' I ask curiously.

'Nothing. Have you packed your bags? We need to go in less than an hour. Good thing your condo is only minutes away from the airport.' He said avoiding the question I asked. He's the type of person who's always at time. He never gets late and if he does, he holds that grudge against his self for a long time. I remember that time in High School, but when I had cheer practice and he was out with some of his friends. I was waiting for him at the dark because the practice has finished. He came after 3 hours saying sorry all the way to my house. I said it was okay but he only forgave his self after a month. I smile at the memory. Now that is a memory I want to remember. Not a cheating mom memory.

I was taken away from my thoughts when Gab snapped his finger at my face.

'Hello? Angel? Are you crazy? Why are you smiling like that?' He asks with a joking smile.

'No you idiot. I was just reminiscing. Now let's go or you wouldn't want to be late and have a reenactment of that event after my cheer practive.' I said, teasingly.

He groaned at the memory while I laughed. ROTFL if possible. After that we got down and into his car. He sped to the airport.

Here I go Europe. See you soon.(and maybe see you Euro hotties)
I know i know. Where is the relevance of the title. The 'hidden message' will be known after the first few chapters. Thank you! Can someone make me a cover? Andddddddddddd love you

Hidden Message(Hiatus bc Editing)Where stories live. Discover now