Ziltion Blackwell August 6th 2003 8:40 am

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Zilton was once again walking to class late. He slept through his stupid alarm. This always happens to him when the school year begins! Now, did he want to go to class? No, but to pass his senior year, it would be a must. Sure, he only had two classes, but that made it even more important to be on time. Sure, he would skip often when he was a freshman, but he quickly learned that wouldn't fly and he would fail the grade if he didn't attend even one of his classes. The only reason he skipped was the fact that the class was boring and often the teacher wasn't even there. He finally arrives at the door of his class. The door was obviously closed, so he reluctantly knocked on the door. A student opens the door. He must be a freshman because Ziltion hasn't ever seen this kid in his life. Ziltion enters the room and says, "Sorry, I'm.." He gets cut off by the teacher, who says, "Just give me the late slip and sit down." Zilton could tell that this teacher would be a bit annoying. Nothing he hasn't dealt with before, though. He took an empty seat near the back. The teacher then stood up, took the role, and Zilton prepared to block her out for the next hour.

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